Introduction to my
One-on-One Programs

Thank you for your interest in my unique and powerful one-on-one programs!

In addition to the Themed Quick Release Programs I offer, which are displayed at the bottom of this page, I provide you with three different ways you can work with me on a one-on-one basis. A 21-Day Quick Release Healing Program, a 42-Day Intensive Healing Program, and a 90-Day In-Depth Healing Program. If you're interested in joining any of these three de-programming, de-conditioning, and freeing-up programs there are a few steps I'd like you to follow. I want to make sure I'm a good fit for what you need. My work is very powerful. It can generate changes very quickly. However, I can only perform my work well if the person for which I am facilitating an Inner Constellation is open and ready.

It is also important for you to determine if my work, and the healing programs I offer, are right for you. For you to make this decision I'd like you to please spend a little time reading through some of the material I've made available on my website and/or watching some of my videos. After all, you'd be investing your time, money, and trust into me and my work. You'll want to make sure I'm the right person to lead you through a deep healing and reconciliation movement.

If you are unfamiliar with Constellation Work please check out the information I provided by clicking here.

Please read the About Me page to learn a little about me and what drives me in my work. The Inner Constellations page, the How Margot's Work Differs page, the 5 Levels of Programming page, the Frequently Asked Questions page, and the Testimonials page all pertain to how I work and what my work is all about. Read through which ever page peeks your interest. Also, I'm just an email away. Feel free to contact me with questions using my Contact Form by clicking here. If after this investigation you think and/or feel I would be a great person to help you release your challenge(s), I'd be delighted to hear from you. Please continue reading so you can determine which program will be best suited for you.


The difference between the 3 programs

The difference between the three programs will be your time and energy commitment in regards to how many issues you want to resolve/heal/let go of/find freedom from in a given time frame. Additionally, with a time and energy commitment of 42 or 90 days, your overall financial investment will be reduced a bit since the fee I am charging, although higher to begin with, will turn out to be less than if you continually purchased a new 21-Day Program for each issue you want to heal and resolve. However, if you are just burdened by one issue, we can probably release it with the 21-Day Program. I offer 14-Day Follow-Up Programs if another aspect needs to be addressed that is part of the initial issue. Follow-up work is hardly ever needed but when it is needed, now you know there is support available for you.

Another Vital Element to Consider

There's one more aspect I want you to know about and why my programs are so unique. The allotted time I've set for each 21-Day, 42-Day, and 90-Day program represents my commitment to you to be available via email every day. If you have questions, concerns, want to ask me something, or just need to know there's someone by your side supporting you 100% in your healing and deprogramming journey - I'll be there for you! If you consider this fact, the fees I am charging are really minimal. I do not know of any other therapist or healer offering such a highly committed and devoted support program. Please click on the respective button below to learn about what each program entails.


21-Day Program US $650

42-Day Program US $1,650

90-Day Program US $3,500


Or Choose a Themed-Program

Purchase a One-on-One Program and Set Yourself Free

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Purchase a One-on-One Program and Heal A Deep Wound

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Purchase a One-on-One Program and Make Peace with the Past

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