Inner Constellations

For years I was adamant that Constellation Work done in a group setting was much more effective than done one-on-one.
I had learned Family Constellation Work in the mid 1990s. Back then it was promoted as an innovative systemic family therapy that was done in a group setting. I was never interested in offering individual sessions. I knew there was no way I could provide in a one-on-one encounter the same healing power that was available in a group.
However, I've undergone tremendous change since 2006 when I was thrust into a spiritual awakening process. This process culminated after four years in what I call a clear-seeing of how life really works. The traditional term for this clear-seeing is spiritual enlightenment or spiritual awakening. In case you're interested in my process, my unbook #2 MY AWAKENING PATH: Spiritual Awakening: Explained Like Never Before will provide you with extensive details. Because of this expanded understanding that I gained, I can say that the one-on-one work I offer now is more powerful than the group work I used to facilitate.
There are very distinct benefits when working with me one-on-one versus participating in a constellation group gathering. However, there are also certainly trade-offs. In a group setting, you will have physical connections with other people, which is something I cannot provide. For instance, I cannot facilitate for you the experience of being held by your mother. The actual physical touch from another human being who is representing one of your family members is obviously not something you'll be able to experience in a one-on-one encounter. I cannot provide you looking into someone's eyes who is a surrogate stand-in for someone you've hurt in the past and to whom you need to say "I am sorry for what I have done to you" to bring about healing and closure. Also, you will not know what it feels like physically when in a group setting thirty people line up behind you who represent your ancestors who give you support, love, and strength. It's a very powerful experience. This physical, real-life connection I will not be able to provide for you in my one-on-one online video call sessions.
On the other hand, in a one-on-one Inner Constellation session, I can help you see connections between your father’s and your mother’s family lineages, which is something I've never seen done in a constellation group gathering. I'll be able to help you recognize how you might be tied to both your mother's and father's ancestors with a particular issue. This allows me to assist you in a much more expansive and in-depth way.
In my work now, I'm no longer focused on releasing just one tragedy at a time as is the case with constellation group work. A person may need to have several constellations set up over a span of several years in order to truly uproot a particularly thoroughly-entrenched inherited programming and conditioning. With my current online one-on-one work it can possibly be released in 21 days.
Additionally, helping a person gain freedom from suffering doesn't revolve any longer around just healing family trauma. I've incorporated a much larger, impersonal perspective, which the clear-seeing provided. Check out my description of the five levels of programming that need to be understood for true freedom to be fully anchored in your life. You can read it by clicking here.
Family Constellation Group Work versus Inner Constellations
There are very specific benefits inherent when working with me one-on-one versus participating in a constellation group gathering. However, there are certainly trade-offs. In a group setting, you will have physical connections with other people, which is something I cannot provide in a one-on-one online video call meeting. For instance, I cannot facilitate for you the experience of being held by your mother. The actual physical touch from another human being who is representing your mother in a family constellation, I am obviously unable to facilitate for you. I cannot provide you looking into someone's eyes who is a surrogate stand-in for someone you've hurt in the past and to whom you need to say "I am sorry for what I have done to you" to bring about closure. Also, I cannot have you experience physically the power of your family members supplying you with strength, support, and love. In a group setting, when thirty people line up behind you who represent your ancestors, it's a very powerful feeling. This physical, real-life connection I will not be able to have you experience in my one-on-one online video call sessions.
On the other hand, in a one-on-one Inner Constellation session, I can help you resolve unresolved trauma from your father’s as well as your mother’s family lineages at the same time. It is something I've never seen done in a constellation group gathering. It allows me to assist you in a much more expansive and in-depth manner.
In my work now, I'm no longer focused on releasing just one tragedy at a time as is the case with constellation group work. A person may need to have several constellations set up over a span of several years in order to truly uproot a particularly thoroughly-entrenched inherited program. With my work it can possibly be released in 21 days.
Additionally, my basis for helping a person gain freedom from suffering is no longer dictated by mere family trauma. I've incorporated a much larger, impersonal perspective. Check out my description of the five levels of programming that need to be understood for true freedom to be fully anchored in one's life. You can read it by clicking here.
What actually occurs with an Inner Constellation?
You can think of an Inner Constellation as a regular family constellation as it occurs in a normal group setting, except it's now taking place inside your own mind. I'll lead you through the entire constellation process while you're in an internally quiet, meditative state. Instead of surrogate stand-ins representing your family members and ancestors, you'll actually converse with your family members directly. You'll hear what they have to say. You'll aid them to release their trauma and in this way bring about healing and release.

In my Inner Constellations I employ all the same principles Hellinger taught, which I used when I facilitated group family constellations. This means you'll gain the exact same benefit as you would participating in a regular family constellation. But now, instead of communicating with only a few family members that were involved in one particular family trauma as occurs in a regular constellation, you can communicate simultaneously with family members from both your mother's and father's lineage and from different generations.
Let's say you've felt like a victim all your life and now want to discover the root cause with an Inner Constellation. During my 21-Day Quick Release Program, which includes one video call session, I can help you look at different tragedies and trauma that were experienced by different ancestors from different eras on both your mom's and dad's family lineages. This way, you'll be able to recognize the various dynamics and root causes involved that generate this victim stance in you. When several unresolved tragedies from the past are released and healed at the same time, a much deeper and more in-depth healing and release can be generated.
To check out the different programs I offer, please click here.