Tired of working on yourself?
Is personal growth taking you in circles?
Wish you were finally done with self-improvement?
Long to just enjoy your life and experience true freedom?
If yes, then welcome!
Hi, my name is Margot Ridler. I worked on myself nonstop for many years only to find out that the freedom, aliveness and joy I was seeking were already with me. I was looking in all the wrong places. What I sought I already possessed.

I was born and raised in Austria, and moved to the United States in 1982. In the late 1980’s, I began to offer Brain Gym® to troubled and ADHD-diagnosed children, which was highly effective, produced quick results, and helped children to swiftly operate from a peaceful inner equilibrium. I eventually retrained and then in the late 1990s began to offer Bert Hellinger's incredibly powerful personal transformation modality called Family Constellations. I facilitated Family Constellation Workshops in the Los Angeles and Milwaukee area. In 2006, out of the blue, I was thrust into a four-year spiritual awakening process, which taught me that happiness cannot be found by working on the personal self. That's because happiness isn't lost. It is intrinsic to your true nature - the real YOU or true Self.
Since this realization, my work focuses in helping people release their ingrained patterns, inherited programming, and acquired cultural and social conditioning so that the true Self can come to the foreground. The real YOU is always present. It’s just covered up to varying degrees by programming and conditioning. All that’s necessary is setting the real YOU free! I described and depicted my awakening process and everything I learned in my truly unique visual unbook series. You'll learn how your human makeup is put together, why you think, feel, and behave the way you do, and what's required for you to live from your always-present true nature.
Margot's One-of-a-Kind Visual unBooks
Since the spiritual and worldly awakening process is so incredibly difficult to explain, as well as understand, I spent the past ten years working on creating this visual unbook series. Finally, you'll be able to easily grasp this extremely hard to comprehend subject matter.
My unbooks are housed on my private and secure membership platform GoAfterTrueFreedom.com. With each unbook purchase, you'll be able to join my unBook LIVE online community where you can ask me questions in case you don't understand something you're reading and I'll answer you. You'll also be able to read other people's questions and my responses to them. It's my hope that my unbooks and my unBook LIVE community platform will make the spiritual and worldly awakening process much easier to understand.
As my gift to you, I've made free sections of all my unbooks available so you can check them out before buying them. Simply click on the buttons below to access my membership site where the free pages are located. A separate window will open up that will prompt you to fill out a form. I ask you to provide this basic contact information so I can check with you in a few days to see how you enjoyed the free pages. Your feedback is really important to me. Once you filled out the form, a new window will open up which houses the free pages. I thank you for your interest!

unBook Online Community
Available by Invitation with any unBook purchase
How Margot Works Today
To help you learn about my work and background, I added a few links below to make it easy for you to navigate through my website. When you read the About Me page you will find out a little about my history and what compels me in my work. To understand the premise of my work please visit the Family Constellations page. The pages Inner Constellations and How Margot's Work Differs will help you understand how my work is different from traditional Family Constellation Work. The 5 Levels of Programming page will assist you in learning about the spiritual dimensions involved in my work and how you'll access them when you work with me. In the Frequently Asked Questions page and the Testimonials page you'll discover additional details about my work. To learn about my professional background please visit the Credentials page.
What is the uniqueness of my approach?
I see your difficulties as your extraordinary opportunity to discover lasting peace and happiness. The idea seems odd that your challenges could hold the key to find true and lasting happiness. But from personal experience I can say that this is true. Your difficulties are a treasure trove of opportunities. They can help you reach a joy and aliveness most people have no idea can be lived in this world.

What past clients have said:
Work with Margot One on One
If you're struggling in your life with issues you've not been able to overcome and that are burdening you greatly, I invite you to consider working with me with my 21-Day or 42-Day Healing and Reconciliation Programs. Please view my various themed programs below.

21-Day Quick Release Program
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21-Day Quick Release Program
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21-Day Quick Release Program
Learn MoreTailored to Your Specific Needs
To help you decipher what the underlying cause is for the challenges you experience in your life, to participate in in-person Constellation Weekend Workshops, or to receive support in your therapy business through Professional Consultations, I'll gear my work towards your specific requirements.

Choose from 21-Day, 42-Day & 90-Day Programs
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Group Gatherings to Heal Family Entanglements
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Professional Consultations & One-on-One Training
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To bring about real change, you must surrender how you are linked to the past. Only then can you birth life experiences that are truly worthwhile and thus far unknown in our world.
NEW! Margot's One-Year Professional Training

My in-depth professional training program is geared towards therapists and professionals in the healing arts arena who want to include the spiritually awake as well as the trans-generational perspective into their work. With these added principles your clients will experience a much quicker and more fulfilling therapeutic healing outcome. If you are interested in my training program, please contact me through the Contact page.

Living in the flow of life since 2006, I've been finding heart-shaped rocks, seashells, leaves, even metal, plastic, and food heart pieces. Join my Let's Go Find A Heart Adventure YouTube Channel where I post videos from my walks and I show you how these hearts just appear suddenly in my path. You can also purchase my unBook #4 HEART DERIVED WISDOM, which contains a variety of inspirational sayings that came to me over the past twenty years. Each saying is paired with a photograph of a heart-rock I found. You check out a free sample of my unBook #4 by clicking here.
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