Sample the first ever unBook:

Praise for Margot's unBook:
Tyler T: This unBook is dynamite. The visuals are unique and convey the message in a way that has never been done before. The personal stories Margot utilizes are awesome and really get the point across. Margot hammers the distinction between the liberation process and personal transformation that I think everyone will get, which seems to be the thrust of Margot's unBook.
Alisa B: The unBook is grand! The ordinary mind thought it was just another self-help book. Boy oh boy was it wrong! Your unBook put the finishing touches (and ended) my search. After reading your book a few times it finally dawned on me to see my depressing thoughts for what they are - only a program running. This morning, those darn depressing thoughts weren't there!
Robert F: The unBook is awesome. My suggestion is to read it slowly and savor it. Give it ample time to process and assimilate. Pay attention to the illustrations. They are powerful. And then read it again. Thanks so much for this experience, Margot! I will refer to the visuals frequently as I continue my explorations with both releasing self-programming and spiritual awakening.
Tired of working on yourself?
Wish you were finally done?
Personal growth taking you in circles?
Want to just relax and enjoy life?
If yes, then welcome!
Hi, my name is Margot Ridler. I am an intuitive visionary and constellation facilitator since 1998. I know what it’s like to work on yourself year after year only to find that the happiness and freedom you are after are still evading you. I finally discovered WHY? A spiritual awakening stripped me of everything so that I'd be empty enough to understand a truth about life I didn't know existed. This truth has the power to set YOU truly free.
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To bring about real change, you must surrender how you are linked to the past. Only then can you birth life experiences that are truly worthwhile and thus far unknown in our world.
Margot helps people just like you to...
live with more joy, freedom, peace, direct-guidance and flow.
find freedom from difficulties you have been unable to release.
connect to the true Self so you can live what's truly right for you.
Why is Margot's approach so unique?
Margot sees suffering as your extraordinary opportunity to discover lasting freedom and happiness. The idea seems odd that your challenges hold the key to free you from your existential suffering. But from personal experience I can say that it is due to our difficulties that we have the chance to unearth a freedom that most of us have no idea exists.

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True Freedom
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Margot shares her experiences with Constellation Work and the spiritual awakening journey, which culminated in 2009 in a Clear-Seeing, which is traditionally called spiritual enlightenment. Margot lived for 3 1/2 years as a homeless, penniless, wandering hermit. Her awakening journey is filled with one of a kind insights and adventures.
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Margot covers topics from daily life challenges to the path to liberation.
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