Brain Gym®

When our child was around four years old his father and I divorced, which hurt our boy immensely. In my attempt to find ways to help relieve my son's suffering, I came across a brain-balancing and emotional-release work called Brain Gym®. When I went to an introductory evening, I was immediately impressed. We practiced some exercises that convinced me that this transformational method worked like magic.
We used simple, child-appropriate, physical exercises together with conscious awareness. I was able to feel changes in my posture, mental sharpness and emotional calm within the short thirty minutes of our trial exploration.
The effects my son experienced were astounding. Instead of being moody, listless, depressed and angry much of the time, he would be free of this awful state within a few minutes of engaging in some Brain Gym® exercises. Brain Gym assisted my child to regain his natural, joyful, happy, energetic, alive and vital state within a few minutes after having fallen into some negative mood. It also made my life as a single mother infinitely easier and so much more enjoyable.
I am immensely grateful to Paul Dennison, PhD, the founder of Brain Gym® for his amazing contribution to bring Brain Gym® to the world. I am deeply grateful to Shelly Fielden for being my gifted instructor, supportive mentor and friend. I am also thankful to Dr. Carla Hannaford who was another helpful instructor of mine. Carla's scientific expertise was of great benefit to me and all the families I would eventually serve.