Online Membership Support

Please join me in creating a truly unique and practical resource library all things related to True Freedom.
What is True Freedom? What is living from direct-guidance and not-knowing all about? What is the true Self? How to access it and live in dialy life from it? And what are the pitfalls to look out for in the process of unearthing our true nature?

Until Dec. 31 2019
Access to the Online Membership Support is FREE!
I am thrilled you are interested in joining the Online Membership Support. Until the end of this year, you will have access to my guidance via the Q&A platform for FREE. I am in the process of uploading lots of material. Your questions, comments and suggestions will help to make this newly established Online Membership Support platform a wonderful resource for people interested in this very hard to understand subject matter of True Freedom. I look forward hearing from you. Thank you for interest.
Since 2011, I've wanted to offer this Online Membership Support platform. Back then, however, the technology wasn't yet available the way it is now. Plus, I was not fully cooked. I had a lot of integrating to do still. I had to learn how to communicate the understanding I gained from my intense four-year Liberation Process and the spiritual awakening and enlightenment event that I call Clear-Seeing. Additionally, I had to re-enter my profession and offer Family Constellation Work with my new understanding. This lengthy integration movement allowed me to learn how to offer my work on a one-on-one basis which is a service I did not provide prior to my awakening process.
The Online Membership Support's sole purpose is to provide information, guidance, support and tools that assist you to live your life from your true, essential nature. My professional work had revolved around transforming the personal self's programmed makeup from negative to positive. Back then, I had no idea self-improvement was unable to bring about True Freedom. It was a rude awakening. I had never heard of spiritual awakening or enlightenment. I did not know a non-physical Self exists beyond the personal self.
The Liberation Process, in my case, was incredibly thorough. I lost everything materially safe and stable, including most of the programmed makeup of my personal self. I lived as a wandering, penniless, homeless hermit for 3 1/2 years in countries where I did not speak the local language and did not know a single person. For two years I had no idea what had happened to me. I was stumbling around in the dark until I came upon literature that helped me understand I had been thrust into a spiritual awakening process that would allow me one day to know my true, immortal nature.
Within the Online Membership Support you'll find all kinds of goodies: video talks of my journey, diary entries from my four-year awakening process, email correspondences with other awake teachers you might find helpful, inspirational writings, my insights on movies and other topics with the awakening theme, captivating video visuals, family constellations insights pertaining to programming, live-video calls to answer member questions, and much more. Each Online Membership Support entry will be equipped with a Q&A section so that you can ask me for clarifications or to elaborate on any given subject matter.
It is my hope that the Online Membership Support platform will serve you to get your questions answered about what the true Self is, what living from your true nature is and what the pitfalls are in the spiritual awakening journey.
Join the Online Membership Support and receive:
Unlimited Access to All Entries
A huge variety of material is available to you in regards to True Freedom that is unique to my process and understanding.
Member-only video Q&A
Participate in regular live video calls where I'll answers questions and covers topics that are requested by members.
New Entries weekly
I will offer new material regularly to inspire you to drop your personal self's programming and live from your true nature.
Communicate with Margot
You can ask me questions in regards to the material at hand as a Q&A section is offered with each entry.
Special Offer through
Dec 31, 2019
Regular $39. For a limited time enjoy the introductory offer! This amount is paid on a monthly subscription basis, which you can cancel any time from your member area.
Sample some of the Entries

The Flash-Knowing That Changed Everything My life has never been the same Return to Online...
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The Unbelievable Collapse of my Life How I lost everything and gained the pearl beyond...
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The 8-Month Long Illness That Wasn't an Illness The Collapse of my Life begins... Return...
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Why I Quit Constellation Work and Why I Started Again Return to Online Membership Support...
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What Exactly Is Family Constellation Work? Why Is This This Method So Powerful? Return to...
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Spiritual Awakening, Enlightenment & Born Again A totally new and unknown way of doing life...
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