COVID: Wake Up Call

The information you find below is based on my direct personal and professional experience.
I want to bring the trans-generational perspective to the confusing COVID-19 debate I gained facilitating Family Constellations since 1998. I also want to provide the spiritually awake viewpoint I acquired from my own spiritual and worldly awakening process, which began in 2003 with an illness that kept me bedridden for six months. It culminated in 2009 in what traditionally is called spiritual enlightenment, which I call Clear-Seeing.

PART ONE - continued
Worldly and spiritual awakening is needed
Is it true when you're told that only drugs, vaccines, and medical interventions can make you well and protect you from getting sick? Or exists there a step prior to you getting sick where you have the ability to affect your own body and immune system to either be healthy and strong or sickly and weak? Is your health and well-being really dependent on a doctor? Or is your health and well-being dependent on your own personal choices, decisions, behaviors, and actions? Is it possible to be your own authority in your own life? Or is it required for you to live a good life that you hand over your jurisdiction to external sources and let other people tell you what's right and good for you?
Worldly awakening is about youquestioning everythingthat pertains to worldly matters and affairs. You must question all that you've been told in the past, are currently told in the present, have been programmed to believe, know for certain, have never doubted, or second guessed. Only by questioning everything, and coming to your own personal conclusions can you have an un-programmed and truly free life in this world. Living an un-programmed and truly feel life is what spiritual and worldly awakening is all about. QUESTIONING EVERYTHING is the first step in worldly awakening.
What I find astonishing is how many highly educated persons aren't questioning the official narrative. They simply trust other highly educated people to speak the truth. No due diligence research is performed to verify the statements, theories, and proposals that are put forth. Somehow, individuals with the title MD or PhD behind their names are considered trusted sources who aren't needed to be vetted. The same unquestioned trust is given to official politicians; mainstream media personal; CEOs of multinational corporations, finance institutions, NGOs (not-for-profit Non-Governmental Organizations); and also to Hollywood celebrities. Naomi Wolf, the American journalist, best-selling author of The Beauty Myth; Vagina: A New Biography; The End of America; and spokesperson of what is considered the third wave of feminism addressed this issue in her recent article Is it Time for Intellectuals to Talk about God? She writes, Feminist health activists, who surely knew perfectly well the histories of how the pharmaceutical and medical industries had experimented ad nauseam on the bodies of women with disastrous results, lined up to take an injection that by March of 2021 women were reporting was wreaking painful havoc on their menstrual cycles.
What I find equally bewildering is how many spiritual people are also not questioning the official COVID-19 storyline, and therefore show for all to see they are not worldly awake. This is even true with spiritual teachers who have large followings. The focus seemed to have concentrated on spiritual awakening only. But worldly and spiritual awakening go hand in hand. If you have one without the other, your awakening will be lopsided. It won't be integrated and fully functional. The book Zen at War describes this phenomenon beautifully. The author Brian Daizen Victoria documented that from the end of the 19th century until 1945, the entire Japanese Buddhist establishment actively supported Japan’s war effort and militarism, although Buddhism is supposed to be a religion of wisdom, peace, kindness, generosity, and compassion.
If you are worldly awake and see through the hidden agendas, lies, and manipulations that exist in this world (especially as they pertain to COVID-19) without spiritual awakening, you will be angry and frustrated. You won't grasp the bigger picture. You won't understand that every adversity contains within it an opportunity to expand your consciousness and move beyond your current programming and conditioning. You won’t know that as a human being you are to discover your non-physical true nature - your
real YOU and learn to operate from it, whichis what spiritual enlightenment is all about! You won't realize you are to follow your true nature's wisdom as it guides you towards a life of fearlessness, trust, true satisfaction and happiness. It's via your real YOU that you access intuition, insights, vision, creativity, and authentic understanding.
Therefore, when you don't question your fears,spontaneously erupting emotions, and knee-jerk instinctual reactions, you're making yourself extremely vulnerable. It’s easy then to follow the crowd, participate in herd mentality, and engage in herd behavior. You may not be aware to what degree you might be influenced by other people since it may seem you are making your own decisions. But are you really?
Click here to read a report about the UK government's public service workers and how easily they nudge people to go into the direction they want them to go. Click here to read an article by The Guardian about this nudge team as they are called.
Allowing yourself to be guided by conformity, group think, and peer pressure makes you blind to the motives, intentions, and goals of the people you are following.
Fully integrated worldly and spiritual awakening means you're fully conscious and aware of EVERYTHING that is going on around you. It means you will know if the people you're trusting are truly operating from their highest integrity, morality, and seek to do good in this world. Or are these persons merely uttering great-sounding words that have no true basis underpinning them? Saying something that sounds good, and truly meaning it, are two different things. It's imperative to know the difference. We'll touch upon this dichotomy a little further on.
All human beings are born with an innate guidance-system. This guidance-system belongs to your true nature. It not only directs you towards your own, personal highest possible good. It simultaneously guides you to act in a way that is of the highest good of everyone and everything. To the rational mind, this all-inclusive positive outcome is inconceivable. Logic decrees that in any equation there has to be a winner and a loser. But this perspective doesn't exist within the higher non-physical (spiritual) realm. There, anything is possible. Duality is eclipsed by an all-encompassing, unifying, singular understanding of life.
Accessing this all-encompassing, unifying, singular view of life is your birthright. As human beings, we are to operate from a much grander, much more expansive, inclusive, and holistic understanding of who we are, what our true human nature is, and what the physical world is really all about.
This is why it's imperative to stop following outer-directed and other-directed mandates, orders, and dictates. You MUST learn to listen to this all-encompassing wisdom to which you have access every moment of your life. Learn to trust the information you receive from your direct-guidance system that comes to you from your real YOU in the form of intuition, hunches, epiphanies, visions, gut-knowing, flash-knowing, and direct-knowing.
What exactly is your true nature? Where is this higher all-encompassing wisdom located? How can you access it? What do I mean by gut-knowing, flash-knowing, and direct-knowing? Am I certain that you are equipped with an innate guidance-system? How do I know? How does it function? Where within your human makeup is it located? What's the reason you seem to not have access to it? How can you be consciously aware when your guidance-system is activated and your true nature is trying to communicate? All these questions and many others I will cover in great detail in my live online unBook: True Freedom versus Self-Improvement - A Life Without Suffering Can Be Yours.
You can read the first 36 pages for free by clicking here.
As human beings we are to birth the higher (spiritual) qualities and functionalities of the True Man and the True Woman - in short: the True Adult Human Being. This birthing maneuver is mostly unknown. However, during your life on this beautiful planet Earth, you are to overcome the automatic programming you inherited through passed-down family dynamics, and habitual cultural and social conditioning. You are to engage in this freeing-up process, which I call the Liberation Process, so that you'll eventually operate in an unprogrammed and unconditioned manner. This will allow your true nature to finally operate freely and unhindered through your body, which is what I call living with True Freedom.
The COVID crisis is such a great catalyst for this cleansing, releasing, and re-organizing to take place since your core instinctual fears about death and dying are challenged. Will you listen to your true nature’s inner wisdom about what is good and right for you? Or will you follow others and the crowd? Will you trust this wisdom’s guidance to perfectly direct you in your life? Or will you let your fears move you to comply with what you are told?
At this special time in history, your worldly and spiritual awakening is supercharged by bringing your greatest fears, doubts, and incongruencies to the surface with record speed and unprecedented force.
I highly recommend you make good use of this unique opportunity. Get in touch with your true nature and your innate guidance-system. Swiftly clear away, heal, and let go of any old programming and conditioning. That’s how you release your anger and frustration when you are worldly awake and feel helpless about facilitating meaningful change in this world. The change that is necessary at this time must take place within the sanctuary of each person’s consciousness. When large numbers of people make contact with their true nature and live from its wisdom, True Freedom is individually and collectively assured.
Now, if you are spiritually awake but not worldly awake you will, to varying degrees, keep living out your habitual programming and conditioning without even realizing you are doing so. You will inadvertently keep supporting systems and people that are operating based on lies, deceit, and manipulations without you having any idea that lies, deceit, and manipulations are occurring. That is not freedom. That’s being worldly asleep even though you might be spiritually awake.
The corona pandemic offers you a once in a lifetime chance to become a fully awake, conscious, autonomous, self-directed, self-governed, and self-ruled human being. This can only happen when spiritual and worldly awakening are fully integrated.
The kind of world that can be created once people allow themselves to be guided by their higher wisdom cannot be fathomed at this time. When truly awake, conscious, and self-determined individuals come together as a collective humanity to share their unique individual genius, gifts, and ingenuity for the betterment of the entire world, the sky is the limit.
Being worldly awake in regards to health
There are a few inexpensive and even free things everyone can do as a preventative measure to assist their immune system to ward off disease, and also use as early treatment options in case the body is invaded by a virus or bacteria. I will briefly list the items below that I know of and have successfully used myself, with my son, and my loved ones. In case you're unfamiliar with these natural remedies you might find this list helpful. I've also linked published scientific studies related to each remedy so that you can see there's scientific and even medical proof associated with them.
What's fascinating is that most of the studies I will list for you are published on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) website. That institute belongs to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services of which Dr. Anthony Fauci is a part.The NIH is the United States nation’s medical research agency. It is devoted according to its website to making important discoveries that improve health and save lives.
How is it possible that Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been director of the The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, which is one of 27 institutes and centers that make up the NIH, had not a single preventative or early treatment protocol to share with the American people? The only remedy Dr. Fauci announced was a vaccine that wasn’t even developed at the beginning of the pandemic, let alone tested for safety and advocacy. Fauci couldn’t know if a vaccine was going to be developed in a reasonable time frame and if it would even work.
Therefore, how could Dr. Fauci make such a statement? Especially since I knew offhand of several preventative and early treatment protocols that could have been implemented immediately that would have helped the American people and the people around the world. On top of that, I had found a plethora of published scientific studies on the subject of prevention and early treatment of viral infections via a simple Google search. No expensive doctor visits were required, no elaborate drug protocols had to be prescribed, these remedies had no side effects, were 100% natural, and easily available to be accessed by everyone.
Dr. Anthony Fauci is director for The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which means knowing all about viruses and bacteria is his specialty. The mission statement on the NIAID's website reads as follows: NIAID conducts and supports basic and applied research to better understand, treat, and ultimately prevent infectious, immunologic, and allergic diseases. For more than 60 years, NIAID research has led to new therapies, vaccines, diagnostic tests, and other technologies that have improved the health of millions of people in the United States and around the world.
Did you know that in the fiscal year of 2021 the NIAID's budget was $6.1 billion? Check out the picture above. It's stated right on Dr. Fauci's NIAID page. So, $6.1 billion dollars were spent and the American people and the people around the world got as their only option to deal with the SARS CoV-2 virus a gene-based mRNA injection that was going to be emergency-rushed, minimally tested for just a few months, and had never before been administered to human beings. No long term testing would have been done. No information would be existing about any potential long-term dangers and side effects.
A new book by Robert Kennedy, Jr. was released in November 2021 called The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. It's currently the number one book on Amazon’s top seller list. Kennedy Jr. exposes Dr. Fauci’s many decades-long corrupt dealings and as he states, extraordinary influence over hospitals, universities, journals, and thousands of influential doctors and scientists — whose careers and institutions he has the power to ruin, advance, or reward.
If alleviating COVID-19 related suffering and deaths would have really been top priority of our politicians, official medical doctors, policy makers, and scientists then the public should have been made aware of these immune system and health promoting aspects I'll innumerate for you below. First, why did none of our official COVID experts - not even a single time!!! - mention that people should consider adding Vitamin C to their daily regimen? Vitamin C is widely known as a strong immune booster.

A study about Vitamin C was posted in October 1999 at the NIH National Library of Medicine titled, The effectiveness of vitamin C in preventing and relieving the symptoms of virus-induced respiratory infections. The study showed that flu and cold symptoms decreased 85% after administration high doses of Vitamin C. The conclusion of the study states, Vitamin C in megadoses administered before or after the appearance of cold and flu symptoms relieved and prevented the symptoms in the test population compared with the control group.
Second, why didn't the official scientists and medical advisors in charge of the COVID-19 pandemic mention anything about utilizing antiviral and antibacterial herbal supplements as a prevention or early treatment for the SARS CoV-2 corona virus? A variety of herbal substances are known to fight bacterial and viral infections naturally. A meta-study in regards to antiviral herbs was posted in January 2017 at the NIH National Library of Medicine by the title Prevention and Treatment of Influenza, Influenza-Like Illness, and Common Cold by Herbal, Complementary, and Natural Therapies. For this study, the National Library of Medicine database was searched from its earliest records through August 2015. Viral respiratory tract infections had become a major issues worldwide by then. The study states, the frequent alterations in the antigenic structures of respiratory viruses, particularly for RNA viruses, pose difficulties in production of effective vaccines. The unavailability of optimal medication and shortage of effective vaccines suggests the requirement for alternative natural therapies. Several herbal remedies were used for prevention and treatment viral respiratory illnesses.
The study mentioned that complementary and alternative therapies for colds and flu were commonly used by ancient people. They were used to cure or prevent respiratory viral infections and many nations obtained traditional experience in such remedies. The conclusion of the study remarks that many herbal therapies have scientific evidence of activity against respiratory viruses. The herbal medicines, such as maoto, licorice roots, antiwei, North American ginseng, elderberry, Echinacea, pomegranate, guava tea, and Bai Shao, were found effective in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections. The studies revealed several mechanisms of action by which herbal extracts fight respiratory viruses. Some dietary supplements also revealed efficacy in prevention and treatment of respiratory viral infections. Supplements including zinc, selenium, vitamin C, probiotics, seaweed extract, yeast-based product, and garlic extract, demonstrated supportive effects against respiratory viruses.
Third, why did our COVID task force officials never mention to people to eat a more vital, nutrient dense diet and drink a lot of fresh water? These are two simple things anyone could have done to aid themselves and their loved ones from getting sick. The body would have been fueled with essential building blocks to build a strong immune system from the nutritious substances in the food. The extra water would have provided the body the necessary fluid to wash out the toxins that bacteria and viruses generate.
Fourth, why didn't our experts in charge share with the public that it is imperative to get sunshine onto our skin on a daily basis as sun exposure builds Vitamin D3 reserves organically? Adequate levels of Vitamin D3 are essential for proper immune health. With low levels, our bodies are susceptible to be attacked by viruses and bacteria, which then can take hold more easily and produce cold and flu symptoms and infections.
Low levels of Vitamin D3 occur especially during the fall and winter months. There is a reason we have a yearly Flu Season which starts in October and ends in May. Flu seasons are directly linked to people not getting enough sunshine and therefore have low Vitamin D3 levels. By properly supplementing with Vitamin D3 (and also Vitamin C) during fall and winter many cold and flu infections can be avoided.
All official COVID experts absolutely should have told the inhabitants of each of their countries that adequate levels of Vitamin D3 reduces the chance of becoming ill with a cold and flu infection. This is a scientifically proven fact. A study published in February 2017 by the British Medical Journal stated that out of the 11321 participants aged 0 to 95 years, Vitamin D3 supplementation reduced the risk of acute respiratory tract infection among all participants. By clicking here you can read a brief report of this study done by Harvard University.
A more recent meta study titled, COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status, and a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D3 was published October 2021 at the NIH National Library of Medicine. The result of the study suggests that a theoretical point of zero mortality could be achieved with an approximately 50 ng/mL D3 level. The study's conclusion states, The datasets provide strong evidence that low D3 is a predictor rather than just a side effect of the infection.
Fifth, why was it not strongly encouraged by our corona pandemic scientists and experts that people continue (or start) to exercise? Exercise is a well-known aspect of a health-building lifestyle and contributes to strong immune function. The article Stepping Up Exercise Could Help Beat The Cold Virus posted on the National Public Radio website November 2010 reviews the study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine on the benefit of daily exercise in relation to the cold and flu. That article states, At the end of the three-month study, the researchers found that the more the participants exercised, the less they reported getting sick. Those who exercised five days a week for 20 minutes or more experienced about 40 percent fewer days of illness compared with those putting in less than one day a week of activity.
Another study was done from 2012 to 2016 to find out if mindfulness meditation and exercise protect against the common cold and influenza. The study was done by the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health and sponsored by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. The conclusion of the study found thatthose who participated in eight weeks of mindfulness-meditation training or took an eight-week program of moderate-intensity sustained exercise had lower rates of acute respiratory infections (ARI) compared to a control group. However, in addition to the reduction in acute respiratory infection illnesses, the mindfulness meditation and exercise groups also encountered psychological benefits including stress and depression reduction, improvements in general health and mindful attention. The study was published June 2018 by PLoS One.
Last but not least my sixth point is certainly the most essential health giving advice our COVID officials should have shared with people. Why did none of our corona pandemic advisors tell everyone to have fun, to laugh, to play, and to enjoy themselves with loved ones and friends? In fact, the exact opposite had been done (and is still being done) with terror and fear being continually stocked when it's another scientifically proven fact that stress and fear have severe health and immune debilitating effects.
Click here to read the report on the NIH website about Dr. Hans Selye, the founder of the stress theory. Dr. Seyle meticulously documented the devastating effects stressful life situations, anxiety, and fear have on the physical body. Towards the end of this report I'll share a little more about Dr. Selye who was an Austrian-Hungarian endocrinologist who said, Every stress leaves an indelible scar and the organism pays for its survival after a stressful situation by becoming a little older.
To the contrary of fear, terror, and stress, the activities of laughter, having fun, playing, sharing love and care enormously boost our immune system by producing vitally important feel-good chemicals that are essential for our health and well-being. You probably do not know about Norman Cousins. He became famous when he healed himself in 1964 of a debilitating and life-threatening disease through daily deep belly laughter and megadoses of Vitamin C. His account was published in 1976 in The New England Journal of Medicine under the title Anatomy of an Illness (As Perceived by the Patient).
Even though I never studied this matter professionally, and am not a medical or naturopathic doctor, I have been deeply immersed in the subject of natural health and healing for many years. What I've studied, what I know, and what I've practiced in my life does work, which is why the official recommendation from the NIH and WHO seemed absolutely wrong to me.
People worldwide were told to stay at home if they felt sick until they were so ill that they could not stand it anymore. Then they should go to the hospital. There they would be treated with some heavy drugs and most likely be placed on a ventilator. Sadly, many people did not survive these last-effort treatments.

Why were no early treatments made available to fight viral infections? I do not know of a single illness where doctors tell their sick patients to stay at home, do nothing, wait until they are so ill that they can't manage anymore, and then they will treat them.
Thousands upon thousands of drugs and treatments have been developed for cancer, diabetics, nerve injuries, etc. which are all based on early detection of the disease and early treatment. The reasoning behind this medical practice is that you want to detect an illness early so that it can be staved off and stopped from proceeding.
Why was this century-old medical protocol not applied to COVID-19? Why were doctors who successfully treated their patients with early outpatient as well as preventative treatments brought before medical boards, shunned by their peers, fired from their hospitals and clinics, and lost their licenses? Most of those patients never had to go to the hospital and were protected from dying. Yet, instead of celebrating these doctors as heroes, they were (and still are) defamed as quack doctors.
One such doctor is Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA, FASN, FNKF, FNLA, FCRSA, internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and the most highly published cardiac and kidney specialist in history in his area of expertise. He had been highly regarded for many years and accredited as you can see from all his accolades. Nevertheless, he has now been fired and is defamed for his outspokenness about early outpatient treatments for COVID-19 patients and for warning against the potentially dangerous side effects the minimally-tested gene-based COVID injections may cause.
Just like thousands of other outspoken medical doctors around the globe, Dr. McCullough is an actual practicing physician. He speaks from his direct experience, having personally worked with and treated COVID-19 patients in his medical practice throughout the corona pandemic. Click here for the video of his Texas Senate testimony in March 2021. Click here for the full-length video conference of the US Senate Hearing in November 2020 titled, Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution in which Dr. McCullough participated. In the meantime, a third hearing has taken place in which Dr. McCullough served as co-moderator. You can listen to additional testimonies of practicing medical doctors, nurses, lawyers, and also of vaccine injured Americans. Click here to watch the video, the hearing begins 40 minutes into the video recording.
Another practicing medical doctor, the Canadian Dr. Charles Hoffe has also been speaking up since the earliest days of the COVID pandemic in 2020. Dr. Hoffe, too has been fired from his hospital job for asking questions and for wanting to help his vaccine-injured patients. He's currently speaking in Canada at various meeting points, warning against the COVID-19 injections. He is talking about the irreversible damage these mRNA injections can cause especially in children, the many cancers that are suddenly being diagnosed, and the heart, brain, and nerve injuries that are appearing en masse in COVID vaccinated persons. To listen to one of his talks from the road please click here.
A highly esteemed medical doctor from Germany, Thai-born Dr. Sucharid Bhakti, has also been outspoken since early 2020. Click here to watch one of his latest warning calls that was recorded in December 2021. In this video clip, Dr. Bhakti describes the incredible damage organs are displaying from the COVID vaccines as is determined by autopsies. He relays the steep increase of stage four cancers and the activation of previously dormant viral infections such as Epstein Barr and Tuberculosis, which had been kept in check by people‘s immune system, which the mRNA injections is destroying.

Click here to listen to this warning by Dr. Robert Malone who is the inventor of the mRNA gene-based vaccine technology. Dr. Malone states that the mRNA vaccines are extremely dangerous to children and should absolutely not be administered. Dr. Malone too has had to endure repeated attacks by "fact-checkers" and ongoing defamation insults. You can listen by clicking here to an in-depth interview in which Dr. Malone addresses the various scientific discrpancies of the COVID pandemic.
Dr Roger Hodkinson, a highly credentialed medical doctor from Canada, and expert in the field of pathology has also been speaking out since early 2020. He has repeatedly and emphatically warned of the dangers of the COVID vaccines. Click here to listen to his latest warning saying, it's all been a pack of lies.
Dr. Shankara Chetty is another practicing medical doctor who lives in South Africa who treated over 7,000 COVID-19 patients and had not a single patient die under his care. He discovered that oxygen isn't necessary in the treatment of COVID-19 if treated properly from the get-go, and that the COVID-19 illness actually unfolds in two phases. Dr. Chetty has also been speaking out since early 2020 and has shared his successful treatment protocol with medial doctors worldwide. He too has been censored and experienced attacks of defamation. Click here to listen to Dr. Chetty share his knowledge in an interview with Rainer Fuellmich of the German Corona Ausschuss.
Dr. Mike Yeadon had to also endure relentless attacks against his character and medical expertise even though he has had a long career in the vaccine and pharmacological industry. Dr. Yeadon was vice president and chief scientist for Pfizer for many years, and had built and sold his own successful biotech company. Due to his extensive knowledge, Dr. Yeadon spoke up right away that the COVID-19 science was incorrect, and that the COVID mRNA injections are dangerous. Dr. Yeadon, along with an ever-growing number of professionals and laypersons alike, is also extremely concerned about the roll-out of the COVID passports and the worldwide AI directed track-and-trace technology. Click here to watch Dr. Yeadon's full-length interview.
Geert Vanden Bossche, DVM, PhD, is an independent virologist and vaccine expert who worked at several vaccine companies, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Discovery, and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). He warned very early on of the dangers of mass vaccination, saying mass vaccination will lead to an explosion of viral mutations, which will not be able to be contained. This is exactly what has occurred with all the various variants surfacing since mass vaccinating of the global population has started. As so many of his contemporaries, he's been slandered and called a vaccine denier. Click here to listen to a recent interview excerpt about the Omicron variant and vaccine boosters.
For the past 22 months, I've listened to the testimonies of over two hundred medical doctors, scientists in the biotech sphere, and other experts from a variety of related fields. These professionals, even though highly credentialed in their area of expertise have been systematically excluded from any democratic dialogue and scientific discussion.
Almost two full years have passed since the corona pandemic began. The official recommendation to treat the infectious disease COVID-19 has remained the same. No early outpatient treatments are allowed. Longstanding, beneficial FDA approved medicines that are successfully used in other countries have been taken off the shelves in the US. Doctors are forbidden to use them. Those MDs who do prescribe early outpatient treatments to treat SARS-CoV-2 infections to mitigate hospitalization and death of their patients continue to be viciously attacked by the mainstream media, their medical boards, and their peers. This censoring is happening in many countries worldwide.
To this day (December 31, 2021), the only official prevention and treatment for COVID-19 are the gene-based mRNA vaccine injections and the repeated booster shots.
The second aspect that let me know the official COVID story wasn't the truth related to a skill I acquired in my profession. In my training to become a Family Constellation facilitator, which is a highly effective trans-generational deprogramming and healing method, I had to learn to double-listen.
When clients tell me about problems they want to resolve, I not only listen with my regular hearing. I also listen with my intuitive inner direct-hearing, which is a function of my true nature. Direct-hearing is part of the human makeup. Sadly, most people do not know they possess this function. If they knew they had access to it, they'd be able to hear, know, and understand what is not being said by the words people are speaking.
Imagine How Different The World Would Be...
...if all people knew when someone wasn't speaking the truth, was deceitful, withholding information, or providing information that was incorrect. Misunderstandings would no longer occur. If people would know what another person was not saying with the words they were speaking, we'd live in a very different world today. Lies would no longer be told because they'd be recognized instantly. No fertile ground would exist for lies and deceit to grow and fester.
Having developed this ability in my work, I knew our COVID officials were not telling the truth because I was able to access the information they weren’t mentioning. This other information is available in the greater field of consciousness. Thoughts, intentions, wants, needs, fears, longings, and desires are made up of vibrations that form energetic blueprints. These blueprints are then stored in what I call humanity's collective story line or memory bank.
These blueprints, which vibrate at certain levels of consciousness, can be easily picked up by anyone who knows how to access them. That's how I knew from the very beginning in 2020 what the corona pandemic's bigger plan was. It's just that the people in power didn't share this bigger plan with the public. If they had, people most likely wouldn't have gone along with allowing themselves, their children, and love-ones to be injected with these barely tested gene-based inoculations. This certainly is what Stefan Oelrich, a member of Bayer’s Board of Management believes. Oelrich stated in his opening speech at the World Health Summit in Berlin in October 2021 "The mRNA vaccines are an example of cell and gene therapy. If we had surveyed two years ago in the public 'Would you be willing to take a gene therapy injected into your body' we would have probably had a 95% refusal rate." Watch his speech here. I sourced this video from the article, Fact Check: Are mRNA-Injections Vaccines or Gene Therapy? Read article here (although you must use Google translate as it is in German.)

It was clear to me from the beginning that
COVID-19 was used for a purpose other than what we were told.
Even though through my double-listening skills I accessed a variety of details that were going to happen, I didn't know what the ultimate plan was. I had no idea toward what desired outcome the COVID measures were directing people. I didn't have access to this information. This is why I began to research online.
I had to do this research also because I needed to verify if the information my double-listening presented me with was accurate. My family and many of my friends certainly thought it impossible that what I told them would unfold. They called me crazy, a COVID denier, and conspiracy theorist. A very dear person who I'd been close to for ten years even broke off all contact with me. What I spoke of seemed too far fetched and insane.
However, in my over twenty-year Family Constellation Work career, my double-listening skill has not once failed me. That's because the information I access in my work for my clients to help them become free of challenges or trauma isn't produced by my own personal thinking. The information I access are the unspoken words, desires, longings, fears, worries, concerns, and intentions that are registered as blueprints in the consciousness field of humanity's collective storyline. This is why information that is accessed through double-listening is accurate. It's coming straight from the people themselves who have been (and are) thinking that way. Most people aren't aware that their thoughts produce energetic imprints that are then recorded within humanity's collective memory bank. On that vibrational level nothing is hidden. All information is freely available and can be accessed by anyone who knows how.
What Was It Exactly In March 2020 I Knew Would Happen?
First of all it was clear to me that the pandemic would not end. Although we were told we had to shut down the world economy and have all people remain in their homes for two weeks to flatten the curve, I knew normal life would not return. The restrictions would continue, change, and morph from one restriction to other ones. I knew our old way of life would never return.
---This has certainly been proven true. Instead of two weeks to flatten the curve almost the entire world is still bound by a variety of COVID restrictions since almost two years! Our "old" world, to which our leaders told us we would be "allowed" to return after those two-weeks of flattening is nowhere to be seen. We were told a lie!
I was aware that the vaccine roll-out would not be a one-time deal. People worldwide would be vaccinated on an ongoing basis, year after year, with two or more injections per year. I had no idea how this would be presented so that people would accept it. Now we know. It's done through the relentless reporting of ever new and dangerous mutations and variants.
---As of this writing in December 2021, a large number of people in many countries are already tripple vaccinated. Great Britain just announced Covid vaccine booster shots can be taken every three months to aid against all the new variants that are appearing. Canada has secured up to 290 million doses of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for 2022, 2023 and 2024 for its 38 million Canadian citizens. That's almost 8 COVID shots for every man, woman, and child for the next three years. Netherlands just announced a plan to give people up to six doses of COVID vaccine. The Netherlands just announced that it may move towards administering three more booster COVID-19 vaccines, two of which would be in 2022.
It was obvious that a two-tiered society would be established. This new dual social structure would be devastating to people who wouldn't want to get injected with the COVID vaccine. I knew those people would be excluded from participating in everyday life. They would become outcasts of society. Normal life would be completely off limits to them. They would no longer be allowed to enter a restaurant, cafe, bar, school, university, grocery store, shopping mall, hair or cosmetic salon, fitness center, airport, train station, etc.
---Excluding unvaccinated people from regular life already began in mid 2021 in Israel, France, and Italy. People are no longer allowed into grocery stores, hospitals, restaurants, gyms, etc. The same is also happening in some states in the US. Not being allowed to shop for food at a local farmer's market is now being reported from Canada with a Twitter video post you can watch here. Restrictions for Lithuanians who are not double vaccinated represent some of the harshest in the world. No vaccination, no valid COVID vaccination papers - no entry.
It was clear to me that police, military personal, security guards, or special COVID-19 wardens would be placed in front of entrances and demand people show their valid vaccine documentation. Anyone who would not be able to produce a valid vaccine status would not be allowed entry and would be turned away.
---This has already come to pass in many countries around the world. It's no longer even considered abnormal that you have to show a valid vaccination status to participate in life.
That people would be required to carry with them at all times their vaccination certificate, which would show their vaccination status was also evident to me. I had no idea how this idea would be made appealing to people to carry documentation around with them every day, all day long, which they would continually have to present to some official gatekeeper who would then allow or deny them entry.
---As it turns out it wasn't a hard sell at all. A downloadable app was made available to people, which they could place on their smartphones. This app then does all the tracking, tracing, monitoring, and surveilling. The app checks at all times where people are at, what they are doing, who they are with, and who they are close to in proximity. People will get a ding on their smartphone when their app discovers they were too close to someone who had tested positive for COVID. Their app then tells them to self-quarantine for a certain number of days to protect themselves and others.
It was clear once the tracking and surveillance system was established people would be randomly checked. The activities of simply taking a walk, having a coffee at a cafe, eating at a restaurant, shopping for groceries, and driving in their car would be subject to spontaneous and unannounced checks.
---This checking for vaccine status is happening now routinely since many months in many countries.
Even as early as Aptil 2020 it was obvious to me that mandatory vaccination would eventually be established. The option to not receive the COVID vaccine would at one point no longer be possible.
---Mandatory vaccination was announced in Austria in November 2021 and will take effect in February 2022. Those who refuse to get vaccinated will have to pay a fine or go to prison. Click here to listen to an Austrian medical doctor who was fired from her hospital job for speaking out about the dangers of the COVID vaccine. She shares what the situation is in Austria in December 2021 with the mandatory vaccination.
Additionally, I was aware that COVID camps would be established, whereby police and military officials would remove people from their homes and place them into a COVID camp.
---This is currently happening in Australia. People are removed from their homes by the police and taken to camps even without a positive PCR COVID test or proof that people are infected with COVID-19. Here is a video of a personal account, a look at an Australian COVID camp facility, and an interaction with the camp's security guards.
I was also certain that after some time vaccines would be physically forced on people against their will.
--- I have seen video clips of forced vaccination happening in China, India, and Indonesia but I cannot vet them to be true. However, forced vaccinations are almost happening in Australia. Military personnel, police, and other government officials severely pressure Aboriginal community members to get vaccinated. The local people are either not allowed to leave their homes or are removed from their homes against their will and taken to COVID camps. Click here to listen to a call for humanitarian help put forth by some of the Aboriginal elders.

Right here, with the establishment of a two-tiered society, worldly awakening is essential
Ask yourself do certain people really have the right to forbid other people to earn a living, run their businesses, have access to food, public transportation, air travel, health care, and to visit restaurants, cafes, entertainment outlets, fitness centers, and shopping malls? Do some people truly have the authority to override the bodily autonomy of others, allowing certain members of a society to tell other members of that same society they must inject into their bodies substances they do not wish to have injected? Can certain individuals or groups of individuals be granted the jurisdiction over others, demanding they can no longer participate in regular life, taking away their ability for individual choice, freedom of speech, and freedom of movement?
How often throughout human history has this negation of personal freedom already happened? How many people have already suffered the consequences of such inhumane measures, no matter the reasons that were given to rationalize these measures?
The justifications that were provided in the past, just as the justification that are given today with COVID-19, are violating every person's unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as the founders of America put forth in the Declaration of Independence. This right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a God-given right. It cannot be granted by people, nor can it be taken away by people. Every single human being possesses this right simply by being born a human being.
So what is happening once again (this time all over the world simultaneously!) is certain groups of individuals deem themselves superior to others. These people believe they know better. They think they have the right to impose their views, ideas, and rules upon society without any democratic process involved. Assuming themselves superior and knowing what is "best" in the name of the collective good, the right to personal freedom each person intrinsically possesses can be disregarded, even eliminated.
This claim of superiority has occurred already innumerious times throughout history and been the source of horrendous grief, suffering, hardship, and death.
What is happening with the corona pandemic is a REPETITION!
The exact same scenarios that played out in the past in various cultures, societies, and time frames, are playing out again right now in country after country.
Billions of people around the globe are approving that the bodily autonomy of their fellow human beings can be infringed upon. These same billions of people are also in agreement that the intrinsic right to freedom of speech, freedom to earn a living, and freedom of movement can be removed from their fellow citizens in the name of the well-being of the collective group.
But what exactly is a group? A group isn't a mish-mash of people who merged into a singular whole like soup ingredients blend into a uniformed substance after a few hours of cooking.
The term group is a concept. It represents the number of people that are part of a group. But a group has no reality of its own. The reality of a group rests with each individual person that is part of the group. Each individual remains an individual - and therefore MUST be self-responsible for his or her own health, well-being, actions, and behaviors.
Take my case, as an example. I've taken excellent care of my body since I was in my late twenties. I've spent my hard-earned money exclusively on organic foods since 1986 - for almost forty years! I don't eat foods that contain poisonous chemicals, and I don't use lotions, hair products, or home cleaners that are manufactured with toxic byproducts. I have already shared earlier the way I have taken care of my health and well-being. I do not fear COVID-19, or any other virus or bacteria. I know how to take care of an infection if a bacteria or virus attempts to take hold in my body. Can I be lumped together to form a singular cohesive group with people who have consumed a diet of McDonald's, sugar puffs, and Coca Cola for forty years? Who played computer games during their free time while I studied alternative health and nutrition, exercised in the open air and took in the health benefits of daily sunshine? Can I be honestly told I have the same health risks as these persons who have not done a single thing to take care of their body and their immune health? Can I be mandated and forced by law to be subjected to the same health treatments as these people? This kind of thinking is absolutely absurd.
This idea of group protection, group health, and group well-being is a sales slogan. It's a propaganda jingle to get individual people riled up to support an agenda that has absolutely nothing to do with real health, real well-being, real protection, and real care.

To live in a successful, vital society and culture, encouraging individual responsibility, individual self-sufficiency, individual empowerment, individual health, and individual well-being are of utmost importance. Declaring a singular rule that will benefit a collective group is insanity. A singular mish-mash of human beings does not exist, cannot exist, and will never exist.
This is why I say COVID is your wake up call. The past is repeating itself once again for the sole purpose of giving you, as well as every person alive today, the opportunity to take a stand. Will you chose as your ancestors chose during their lifetime when they were faced with these exact same decisions you are facing right now? Or will you chose differently?
Did your ancestors follow the crowd and propaganda, abdicating their own self-responsibility to stand for integrity, honesty, morality, and individual freedom? Did they sellout their loved ones and neighbors? Did they believe they knew better and therefore placed themselves above others, assuming they had the right to enforce rules and regulations that infringed upon the freedom of others? Did they obey the dictates of their day without opposing them and without concerning themselves with the suffering these rules caused their fellow human beings?
Or did your ancestors stand alone, determined to not be other-directed and outer-influenced by the hyped-up stories of the day? Did they assist where they could, relieving the pain and suffering the dictates inflicted, actively opposing the rules and regulations that stifled personal liberty, freedom of choice, freedom of speech, and freedom of movement?
What is your stance on the current COVID-19 matter? Which side of history will you be standing on when everything is said and done? Are you following doubt and fear? Or courage and trust? Do you stand with the crowd that has been mass-hypnotized as professor of clinical psychology Dr. Mattias Desmet describes (watch interview by clicking here) who lectures on totalitarianism and mass formation at the University of Ghent in Belgium? Or are you standing apart from the mass-hypnosis, refusing to conform to these restrictive COVID mandates?
Are you repeating your ancestors choices? Or are you making new ones for yourself? Are you pro individual choice? Or are you against it? Do you stand on the side of Freedom? Or Slavery? Liberty? Or Subjugation? Democracy? Or Totalitarianism? There's no middle ground. You must choose. And by your choice, you will show your true colors for all to see.
There is no reason why anyone should suffer in this world. There is no reason why billions of people worldwide should be afraid of this SARS-CoV-2 virus. Life is set up to be self-healing and self-regenerating. Life is also plentiful and abundant. There is no basis as to why any person should be afraid of dying of a disease or not have what he or she needs to live an amazing life. The only basis for the suffering that exists in this world is that from one generation to the next the same programming and conditioning is passed on and repeated.
This is why disease, war, injustice, crime, exploitation, rape, plunder, and profiteering, which have been routine throughout history are still widespread today. Most of humanity is still trapped in the age-old hierarchical top-down power dynamics of leader-follower, ruler-ruled, dictator-subject, perpetrator-victim, abuser-abused, and so on. Allowing yourself to live out these extremely limiting automatic behavioral dynamics stifles your true nature’s higher wisdom to guide you in your life towards your highest possible good. You'll hinder your innate creativity from flourishing and your ingenuity from manifesting the splendor you could contribute to creating a beautiful, sustainable world for yourself and others.
Hardly anyone thinks about this, but the entire world setup is based on these hierarchical top-down power structures. This is why nobody is exempt from being involved in them. These hierarchical power plays are predominantly acted out unconsciously. Sometimes these power dynamics are obvious. At other times they are deeply hidden and hard to detect.
Either way, these hierarchical top-down power games are the cause for enormous pain, hardship, and suffering. Unbeknownst to a lot of people, these power plays are routinely expressed between friends, marriage and relationship partners, within families, social circles, businesses, corporations, foundations, educational and financial institutions, governments, and political parties.
What is fascinating about these power plays is that the people involved are intimately intertwined with one another. On the surface they seem to be at odds with each other. They appear to express opposite factions. However, in reality, they belong to each other like the front side of your hand belongs to the backside. These two sides cannot be separated out. They form a cohesive whole. This is why these hierarchical power structures are hardly ever questioned. People live out the habitual roles they are familiar with, and in this way, these entrenched power dynamics remain in place.
Leaders need followers. But followers also need leaders. Dictators require subjects. But subjects also require dictators. Governors seek to govern people, and the governed seek governors. Abusers depend on those that can be abused, just as those that allow themselves to be abused depend on abusers. Perpetrators exist only as long as there are people that accept to be victimized, and victims can only exist when there are perpetrators.
Quantum physics, which explores how the material world works at its fundamental core, knows of this interconnectedness of life existing at the most base level of physical matter. Quantum physicists call it entanglement. Experiments have shown that two quantum particles (the smallest parts of physical matter) can instantaneously interact even though they might be located at opposite ends of the universe. Ashley Hamer, the author of the article Entangled Quantum Particles Can "Communicate" Through Time posted on in August 2019 stated that particles can not be entangled only through a distance. They can also be entangled through time.

Untangling Quantum Entanglement by Whitney Clavin, posted at the Caltech online magazine in the fall of 2019 beautifully describes this phenomenon of entanglement. Here is an excerpt, “It may be tempting to think that the particles are somehow communicating with each other across these great distances, but that is not the case,” says Thomas Vidick, a professor of computing and mathematical sciences at Caltech. “There can be correlation without communication.” Instead, he explains, entangled particles are so closely connected that there is no need for communication; they “can be thought of as one object.”
At the most core level of our human makeup, where our true nature is located, separation does not exist. This is why the commandment from the Bible Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself (Matthew 22: 35-40) makes perfect sense. You would never consider hurting another person because you'd understand that other people in their essential nature aren’t other than you. This is why you’d want that all people blossom and thrive in their life. You’d want that everyone has the utmost opportunity to let their non-physical (spiritual) true essence shine forth freely. My unBook will help you understand this dichotomy of the non-physical existing simultaneously with the physical, and how the non-physical expresses itself in the physical. By clicking on the visual above, which is a visual you find in my unBook, you can access a few introductory pages of my unBook for free. The unBook will teach you about your true nature, where within your human makeup your true nature is located, and how to consciously access it and live from it.
The extent to which everyone and everything is interrelated is inconceivable to the logical mind. However, all people’s thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions, and behaviors are interconnected. They contribute to the collective whole, which then shapes the collective human experience. The Austrian theoretical physicist and Nobel Prize winner Erwin Schrodinger who lived from 1887 to 1961 contributed several fundamental findings to the domain of quantum mechanics. In his book My view of the world, on page 28 he states, …the Self is not so much 'linked' with what happened to its ancestors, it is not so much the product, and merely the product, of all that, but rather, in the strictest sense of the word, the SAME THING as all that: the strict, direct continuation of it, just as the Self aged fifty is the continuation of the Self aged forty.
This is why it’s so important to QUESTION EVERYTHING and engage in the process of worldly awakening. It’s imperative you understand how you unwittingly live out programming and conditioning you inherited from the past so that you can you stop habitual thoughts, emotional reactions, instinctual drives, and conditioned behaviors from operating on autopilot.
When you no longer play the role that has kept you tied to the hierarchical top-down power system, you throw a monkey wrench into the gears of programming and conditioning that has been repeated for millennia. You contribute to reducing the enormous force within the collective human memory bank, which pulls people to repeat the same storyline again and again. You actively assist in lessening the denseness of the collective human consciousness field so that it will be easier for other people to engage in their own worldly awakening.
As you stop living out the programming of someone that is allowing themselves to be victimized, dictated to, and ruled over, then the people acting as perpetrators, dictators, and rulers are out of a job. Equally, if you stop dictating, ruling over, and perpetrating against others, then you give people the chance to grow up and become self-responsible in their own life.
By breaking your allegiance with your own inherited programming you free yourself, while simultaneously providing the opportunity to your counterparts to set themselves free as well. This is how you claim your birthright of True Freedom while providing others with the opportunity of accessing True Freedom also.
When you stand as a truly independent, worldly and spiritually awake, fearless, self-responsible, and higher wisdom directed human being, you join the ranks of the truly free. Imagine what a different world could be created when human beings who are truly free come together to build a world that’s based on the highest human qualities of kindness, generosity, cooperation, integrity, morality, truth, love, and freedom. It will be a world where power over and subjugating others will no longer reign supreme. Instead, natural law will be people’s governing force and guiding light. If you are interested in learning about natural law, which goes against our conditioning and programming, but is 100% in alignment with our true nature, you can read the book The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose and watch the documentary by Mark Passio called The Science of Natural Law.
Considering the world in which we're finding ourselves today, where tracking, tracing, surveilling, and monitoring has become the norm, the COVID-19 mandates make us quickly approach the segregation setup that was in place during the era of slavery in the USA, the Hitler regime in Germany, the Cultural Revolution under Mao, and Communism under Stalin.
Multinational corporations have access to our most private logistics now. They have the power to dictate to us what we can and cannot do according to the rules they decide on any given day. Within just a few short months in 2020, in a variety of countries around the world, a totalitarian technocratic governing system was put in place. All democratic processes were eliminated. In the name of "protecting us from a dangerous virus", emergency powers were established. After two whole years, these emergency powers are still active! They've allowed isolated politicians and un-elected "experts" like Dr. Fauci and other such scientists and doctors to amass so much clout that hundreds of millions of people have been forced to adhere to the decrees that were (and still are) single-handedly decided. For more than 24 months, devastatingly inhumane mandates have been imposed upon the inhabitants of many countries, which have been viciously enforced without any democratic input by the people themselves. Monetary fines, loss of employment, police violence, and imprisonment have become the norm in many "first" world Western democracies.
To many people's utter surprise, myself included, an overwhelmingly large number of persons have supported (and still are supporting) these dictatorial decrees and see nothing wrong with them. In fact, those people who have been warning against these mandates eroding the democratic processes and constitutional freedoms are attacked by their fellow country men and women. It's as if the majority of humanity has been hypnotized, which makes them incapable of recognizing that a totalitarian take-over is taking place as happened many times in the past. The terror to potentially die from the COVID-19 illness, which has been systematically stoked day after day, week after week, month after month for two years has pushed large portions of humanity into a mass psychosis.
The relentless doling-out of fear has incapacitated people to such a degree that they are unable to recognize the SARS-CoV-2 virus infection has an 99% survival rate for anyone who isn't already near death and/or is handicapped with several severe preexisting health conditions. The fact-checking report on posted in July 2021 states in regards to ALL COVID deaths: As of July 23, there were more than 34.3 million known cases of COVID-19 in the United States and 610,370 deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. That means the case fatality ratio -- or the portion of known cases that result in death in the country -- is 1.8%. In other words, on average, 98.2% of known COVID-19 patients in the U.S. survive. Because the true number of infections is much larger than just the documented cases, the actual survival rate of all COVID-19 infections is even higher than 98.2%.
Trying to understand what has been happening, I've stumbled upon a lot of fantastic information. The highly educational video The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis – Can Sanity Return to an Insane World? posted in April 2021 on sheds light on the hidden workings of totalitarian regimes and how masses of people are victimized. Per permission, I am posting a few transcribed paragraphs from the video:
The social transformation that unfolds under totalitarianism is built upon, and sustained by, delusions. For only deluded men and women regress to the childlike status of obedient and submissive subjects and hand over complete control of their lives to politicians and bureaucrats. Only a deluded ruling class will believe that they possess the knowledge, wisdom, and acumen to completely control society in a top-down manner. And only when under the spell of delusions would anyone believe that a society composed of power-hungry rulers, on the one hand, and a psychological regressed population, on the other, will lead to anything other than mass suffering and social ruin.
But what triggers the psychosis of totalitarianism? As was explored in the previous video of this series, the mass psychosis of totalitarianism begins in a society’s ruling class. The individuals that make up this class, be it politicians, bureaucrats, or crony capitalists, are very prone to delusions that augment their power, and no delusion is more attractive to the power-hungry, than the delusion that they can, and should, control and dominate a society. When a ruling elite becomes possessed by a political ideology of this sort, be it communism, fascism or technocracy, the next step is to induce a population into accepting their rule by infecting them with the mass psychosis of totalitarianism. This psychosis has been induced many times throughout history, and as Joost Meerloo explains in The Rape of the Mind: “It is simply a question of reorganizing and manipulating collective feelings in the proper way.”
The general method by which the members of a ruling elite can accomplish this end is called menticide, with the etymology of this word being ‘a killing of the mind’, and as Meerloo further explains: “Menticide is an old crime against the human mind and spirit but systematized anew. It is an organized system of psychological intervention and judicial perversion through which a [[[[[ruling class]]]]] can imprint [[[[[their]]]]]own opportunistic thoughts upon the minds of those [[[[[they]]]]] plan to use and destroy.”
Priming a population for the crime of menticide begins with the sowing of fear. For as was explored in the first video of this series, when an individual is flooded with negative emotions, such as fear or anxiety, he or she is very susceptible to a descent into the delusions of madness. Threats real, imagined, or fabricated can be used to sow fear, but a particularly effective technique is to use waves of terror. Under this technique the sowing of fear is staggered with periods of calm, but each of these periods of calm is followed by the manufacturing of an even more intense spell of fear, and on and on the process goes, or as Meerloo writes: “Each wave of terrorizing . . . creates its effects more easily – after a breathing spell – than the one that preceded it because people are still disturbed by their previous experience. Morality becomes lower and lower, and the psychological effects of each new propaganda campaign become stronger; it reaches a public already softened up.”
While fear primes a population for menticide, the use of propaganda to spread misinformation and to promote confusion with respect to the source of the threats, and the nature of the crisis, helps to break down the minds of the masses. Government officials, and their lackies in the media, can use contradictory reports, non-sensical information and even blatant lies, as the more they confuse the less capable will a population be to cope with the crisis, and diminish their fear, in a rational and adaptive manner. Confusion, in other words, heightens the susceptibility of a descent into the delusions of totalitarianism, or as Meerloo explains: “Logic can be met with logic, while illogic cannot—it confuses those who think straight. The Big Lie and monotonously repeated nonsense have more emotional appeal … than logic and reason. While the [[[[[people are]]]]] still searching for a reasonable counter-argument to the first lie, the totalitarians can assault [[[[[them]]]]] with another.”
To provide some practical examples, I included three video links of presentations given by Holocaust survivors who have attempted to warn people throughout their lives so that the past wouldn't repeat itself, which sadly is however currently occurring. In a video excerpt from a talk titled Auschwitz didn't fall from the sky, 94 year-old Marian Turski, survivor of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp described the slow implementation of the totalitarian Nazi dictatorship. Watch video clip here.
Turski said that back then people didn't recognize the restrictions for what they were. At first, Jews were not allowed to enter a park, then a swimming pool, then Jewish children weren't allowed to play with German children, then Jews weren't allowed to go shopping until after 5 pm. Later they couldn't get jobs, couldn't travel, couldn't immigrate, and eventually were pushed into ghettos, and taken to concentration camps. He said the restrictions were implemented slowly, one after the other, until it was too late and nothing could be done anymore about them.
Another person who has been ringing the alarm bells since the beginning of the COVID pandemic is the child Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav. The interview I have linked was filmed in September 2021, which you can watch by clicking here. Sharav said something similar to Mr. Turski. She said Ausschwitz didn't happen in one swoop. It happened step by step by step. She also mentioned that the Jews were demonized as spreaders of disease. Currently, the people that are unvaccinated against COVID-19 are also demonized as spreaders of disease.
There's never anything new under the sun. Everything is a repetition. You can either contribute to this repetition by allowing the same dynamics to play out unhindered. Or you can stop the repetition by not participating and actively helping others to have a worldly awakening. The choice is yours.
The third video that addresses our newly-established technocratic segregation society is by another Second World War survivor. This time not a Jew, but a woman of Austrian descent by the name of Kitty Werthmann. Werthmann made the same statement as Turski and Sharav. She said, The dictatorship didn't happen overnight. It took five years. Gradually, little by little it escalated up to a full-blown dictatorship. You can watch her video by clicking here.

Werthmann recounted the story when she first immigrated to the USA from Austria as a young woman. She went to her local police station in New York City to register herself and her local address. It's something that is still required to this day in Austria. Anytime Austrian citizens move to a new city they must register their new address with the local Meldeamt - the local district office. At first, the police officer didn’t know what she wanted. Werthmann said she wanted to register her name and address in case the police needed to find her. The officer then told her there was no need to register her name and address. If the police ever needed to find her, they had their ways and would find her no problem. Werthmann walked out of the police station perplexed. She said she wondered what strange country she had immigrated to where they didn't need to know her name and address. Then suddenly, she had an epiphany. She realized, this was real freedom.
We've long lost the kind of freedom Kitty Werthmann experienced in that America from a few decades ago.
Werthmann said at the end of her video presentation, Those of us who sailed past the Statue of Liberty, we came to a country of unbelievable freedom and opportunity. America is the greatest country in the world...if we can keep it.
How many lies do you need to be subjected to until you begin to wonder if there is something wrong with what you are being told? Not a single thing that your politicians, official scientists, and medical doctors have said about COVID-19 has turned out to be true. Again and again you were prompted to do this or that, follow an order, participate in a rule, accept a guideline, and then we could all go back to normal. But our normal hasn't come back.
Are you still waiting, hoping and thinking we'll go back to our old normal soon? Do you really believe the officials when they tell you it's the unvaccinated that keep the normal at bay? Do you assume it’s true when the media and politicians announce hospitals are overflowing with the unvaccinated, that the double and triple vaccinated are protected, and cannot spread COVID-19?
I highly recommend you begin to QUESTION EVERYTHING! Because you are continually being lied to. You can watch by clicking here the enormous flip-flipping Dr. Fauci engaged in for the entirety of 2020 and 2021 in regards to wearing or not wearing masks. You can see by clicking here a compilation of clips that show the steep reduction of efficacy of the "highly effective" Covid vaccines. You can watch here a short video compilation by Dr. Scott Jenson of the lies told by health officials and politicians about mandating vaccines.
Gloria Romero posted in September 2020 in the Orange County Register an article titled, Nancy Pelosi and the hypocrisy of the elite that lists the lies that have been told in regards to COVID restrictions by the people in power positions. A video posted by The Hill TV with the headline Robby Soave: Political Elite FLAUNT Covid Hypocrisy At NY Met Gala, Working Class Remain RESTRICTED is also bringing to light the lies and hypocrisies of the COVID era. During the G 7 gathering in July 2021 in Cornwall England, photos meant for mass media distribution were staged according to official social distancing rules. However, off camera, no social distancing or mask wearing rules were observed.
As has always been the case throughout all of known history, one set of rules are established for the masses and another for the people atop the hierarchical top-down power systems. Worldly awakening is required to see reality as it really is.
In April 2020, the enormously devastating effects the COVID measures would have on people's lives, finances, and the world economy as a whole were easily foreseeable. No double-listening skill was needed to predict these horrific outcomes. It was clear the world would be plagued by supply chain issues and food shortages. Items we were taking for granted to find at stores would eventually no longer be available. No other consequence was possible when governments stopped people from going to work, forced them to close their businesses, and allowed only a small number of "essential" businesses to remain open and "essential" workers to go to work.
---Not only supply chain issues and food shortages are already occurring since many months, we are also dealing with enormous inflation.
It was also obvious that the lock-downs would create millions of hunger deaths. If people in third world countries, where no social services are in place, were not allowed to go to work, if factories, transportation, and farming were shut down so that food was no longer gown, harvested, transported, and distributed, it would create an enormous hunger crisis that would result in mass starvation.
---Already in July 2020, reports came out that hunger might kill more people than COVID-19.
That people would be mentally and emotionally hurt from all the COVID restrictions was also a given from the get-go. You can't lock people up for months on end, tell them they are not allowed to work, are forbidden to meet with family and friends, can't go to church, visit a fitness center, engage in their exercise routines, play in the park with their kids, enjoy a coffee or meal at a restaurant, and go for walks to breathe fresh air. Removing all the things human beings need to thrive will make them lose their raison d'être (their reason for living). Especially, when only fear, doom, and gloom are provided by the people in charge. People will then internally wither and die. Their spark of life will become ever more dim. The ability to experience joy, happiness, and hope will disappear. That's because human beings need community. We need to share love, laughter, physical touch, and emotional connection with one another. People need to play outdoors, exercise their bodies, and pursue their hobbies and personal interests. When you take from people all that which they consider essential to feel happy and fulfilled, it will create a population that is depressed, anxious, and suicidal.
---There are a variety of studies available already that are showing increased levels of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress-disorders were (and are) experienced by people.
However, right from the start, I knew it would be the children that would carry the greatest brunt from this crisis. Their essential developmental phases were interrupted in absolutely devastating ways. Children undergo very clearly defined physical, mental, and emotional stages of development that need to take place for proper growth, social adaptability, and integration to take place. When these developmental stages are interrupted as occurred due to
all the COVID restrictions, along with the fear and terror that were instilled, it would create an avalanche of problems that might last a lifetime. I was wondering what kinds of fearful, anxious, and submissive adults these children would one day grow into who would unquestioningly accept any order that was directed to them from authority figures positioned above them on the hierarchical top-down ladder system.
---Essentially by now, two years of childhood and teenage years have been stolen from the children and teenagers who had to live with these severe mask, social distancing, and routine COVID testing restrictions on a daily basis in kindergartens, schools, and universities. Let alone not being allowed on playgrounds and freely enjoying themselves by meeting with their schoolmates and friends. Additionally, mandating the gene-based vaccines for which absolutely no long-term safety data exists, when children have a 99.99% survival rate, barely have any symptoms with COVID-19, and rarely pass the virus on to others - yet, children have an enormously high risk of falling ill, dying, or becoming sterile from the vaccines.
All throughout 2020, it was clear children 0 - 17 years of age were not at risk to die of COVID-19. The latest statistics show this fact. Out of 730 million children ages 0-17 in the US, 710 children died with or of COVID in two years. By comparison, in one year, in 2019 in the US, 36,096 children died in traffic accidents; 3,960 children died of drowning; and in 2021 it is estimated that 1,780 children will die of cancer. What has been done to children worldwide will be remembered in history as the greatest crime against humanity ever perpetrated.
It was clear that millions of small and midsize businesses would be destroyed worldwide. I was sharing with a friend of mine that we would see an overwhelming number of small cafes, restaurants, boutiques, and shops disappear, which offered unique shopping and dining experiences. Small, individually-owned businesses are so precious because they provide special services and goods that can't be found anywhere else. Many of these places had been built up over several generations, and were passed on from parents to children to grandchildren. Now, within just a few months, these entrepreneurs would be forced to walk away, losing everything they, their family members and ancestors had worked so hard to create. Adhering to the COVID restrictions, entire families would be ruined. On the flip side, these businesses and properties would most likely be gobbled up by multinational corporations for cents on the dollar so that eventually only chain stores and chain restaurants would be available as the only options.
---Billions of dollars in gains for corporations while bankruptcies and poverty soar - it's now documented. The same buy-up by is happening in the single family housing market as people have lost their jobs and businesses and must sell their homes.
When the tracking, tracing, and surveillance system came online at the beginning of the pandemic through smartphone monitoring apps, I knew this was just a forerunner. The monitoring, tracking, tracing, and surveilling of people's every move would eventually take place from inside people's bodies. The vaccine passports were just a means to get people used to the tracking and tracing process. Eventually, no gadget would be needed. Monitoring, tracking, tracing, and surveilling would happen from within a person's body. The personal data would then be sent directly from the body to the data collection facilities.
---In my research I discovered that already in 2009, scientists were working on biosensors for continuous monitoring of the human body. In 2019, an article was written that described implantable graphene-based sensors for human health monitoring. I also found a publication posted in 2021 that talks about implantable sensors based on gold nanoparticles for continuous long-term concentration monitoring in the body. Another publication that was also published in 2021 is describing Luciferase based biosensors being used in studying SARS-CoV-2. Since the full ingredient list of the COVID-19 vaccine injections have never been disclosed, it is not known what exactly is being injected into people. However, there are reports from independent labs from around the world that have shared photos and videos of strange objects floating around in the vaccine liquids that cannot be identified as anything known. Click here to watch a video of two medical doctors, one from Germany and one from Austria, showing photos and videos of unidentified particles that are found in the COVID-19 injections. Who knows what these nano-objects might be facilitating inside the body.

So what is the COVID pandemic really all about?
Before I began this investigation, researching all these various topics pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic, I had no idea to what level biotechnology, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, and supercomputer programming had advanced. Technologies exist today that could, and would, if implemented change life for human beings on this planet forever. With the administering of mRNA genetic injections, which compel human cells to produce the synthetically-engineered spike proteins, the human genome of those who accepted the mRNA vaccines has been changed forever. The mRNA COVID vaccine push of a needle in every arm has ushered in the transhumanist era. The movement to upgrade humanity to Human 2.0 has taken place without anyone's awareness and conscious consent.
humanism has been explored for many decades. An article published February 2011 in Times Magazine titled, 2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal offers a glimpse into the direction science was moving over a decade ago. Human 2.0 Is Coming Faster Than You Think. Will You Evolve With The Times? is an article that was posted in October 2018 on, which provides a great overview.
The idea behind Human 2.0 is that people's biology and brain functioning haven't had an upgrade in a very long time, whereas technology is upgraded continually. Technology improves exponentially year after year to become faster, more streamlined, and more effective. Certain scientists, tech engineers, computer programmers, biologists, geneticists, neurologists, and AI experts hold the vision that better human beings can be created. By augmenting the human body with artificial intelligence, various computer technologies, and synthetic gene manipulations the current version of humans beings can be improved (aka Human 2.0.) The talk by Steve Hoffman about New Brain Computer interface technology offers some insight into technologies that already exist right now that seem science fiction.
You probably do not know but three distinct countries have posted on their government websites official documents about human augmentation. The Government of Canada offers on its website the document called, Exploring Biodigital Convergence, which was published in February 2020. In the Foreword these sentences are found: In the coming years, biodigital technologies could be woven into our lives in the way that digital technologies are now. Biological and digital systems are converging, and could change the way we work, live, and even evolve as a species. More than a technological change, this biodigital convergence may transform the way we understand ourselves and cause us to redefine what we consider human or natural. Published in May 2021 by the British Ministry of Defense and the Bundeswehr (German military) the document titled, Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm is called a think-piece designed to set the foundation for more detailed research and development on human augmentation.
In 2021 in a 60 Minutes interview, the historian and author of the bestselling books Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century Yuval Noah Harari shared his concerns about transhumanism as well as the direction this technology is moving at break-neck speed. "We are now hackable animals" Harai said of human beings. Until recently, governments and corporations collected data on our locations, internet searches, where we go, who we meet, what movies we watch, what items we purchase, and so on. The next phase of surveillance will take place under our skin to collect biometric data.
Thanks to COVID apps and COVID passports, collecting personal data has increased exponentially all over the world. As already addressed earlier, without the fear mongering of nonstop propaganda of an imminent COVID death threatening people's survival, most people would not have accepted this invasive COVID passport surveillance system into their lives. Whereto people's private body-related data flows, who has access to it, where it's stored, and what will be done with it nobody knows. One thing is certain, collecting, possessing, and having access to biometric data is becoming quickly the newest, hottest commodity. Shoshana Zuboff, Professor Emerita at Harvard Business School is the author of The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. In 2019 in her interview on Democracy NOW! she described the dangers of this new type of artificial-intelligence-driven market economy, saying "...At its core, surveillance capitalism is parasitic and self-referential. It revives Karl Marx's old image of capitalism of a vampire that feeds on labor but with an unexpected turn. Instead of labor, surveillance capitalism feeds on every aspect of every human's experience."
I have a lot more to say about this subject but will close this section of my report so I won't overwhelm you. I will continue in Part 2 with sharing the background information I discovered so that you will have an idea how we ended up where we're finding ourselves at today. If you are interested in Part 2 or want to read about subjects I will present in the future on this or other topics, please sign up for my mailing list by clicking here. I will send out information when I have posted Part 2 or other reports.
For now, I will bring Part 1 to a close. What is happening with the corona pandemic all over the world, which started in 2020 and has had enormously grave repercussions in many respects, it is also presenting humanity with the chance of a lifetime. Hidden dynamics that have operated behind the scenes for many decades in politics, economics, finance, education, and entertainment fueled by corruption, manipulation, and self-serving agendas have pushed the world into a direction that hasn't served human beings in a long time. Ever-increasing profit, exploitation, and never-ending growth benefiting Wall Street, corporate shareholders, CEO's of multinational corporations, and NGO's have forced everyone else, including the earth and its resources to hold the empty bag. The noose around people's necks has been pulled ever tighter and made life for many ever more difficult. While wealth, power, and top-down control have been amassed more and more in the hands of a tiny few, collapse, unhappiness, unsustainability, strife, and hardship have reigned supreme in the lives of the majority.
However, nobody is a victim. With our conscious as well as unconscious choices we have contributed to the world as it is today. This is the gift of COVID-19: the potential to recognize how we have been asleep at the wheel, how we allowed corrupt leaders to guide and direct us with false promises, lies, propaganda, and outright criminal behaviors. It's time to have a worldly awakening and see the world as it really is. Once we do see the world as it really is we can do something about it. You can watch four brief video clips from a talk I gave about the hidden spiritual and personal growth potentials I saw inherent in the corona pandemic crisis back in March 2020.
I will leave you with two more inspirational videos from the Academy of Ideas website. The first video is called Freedom vs Force and starts with a quote by Albert Camus.
“Freedom is…the air we cannot do without, that we breathe without even noticing it until the time comes when, deprived of it, we feel that we are dying.”
The second video is called The Parallel Society vs Totalitarianism and talks about how it is essential to go about our creative endeavors, follow our intuition, inspirations, epiphanies, and geniuses in creating the world we wish to live in. The video starts with this quote by Vaclav Havel “The real question is whether the ‘brighter future’ is always so distant. What if it has been here for a long time already – and only our own blindness and weakness have prevented us from seeing it around us and within us, and kept us from developing it.” I talk about this subject at great length in my unbook True Freedom versus Self-Improvement - A Life Without Suffering Can Be Yours. I help you understand that in addition to your physical, concrete self, you also have a non-physical (spiritual) nature, which is where all your creative genius is located. Learning how to access this part will allow you to stand in life fearlessly, in tune with the flow of life, and always guided and protected in each and every moment.
You can purchase the unbook as a downloadable PDF file which you can then store on any of your ebook apps like Kindle, iBook, Nook, etc. Alternatively, you can also join the monthly live unbook subscription membership where you can ask me questions and the unbook material, which I will answer either in writing or via video. You will learn what spiritual awakening is and how to bring it about in your life in the swiftest possible way.