COVID: Wake Up Call

The information you find below is based on my direct personal and professional experience.
I want to bring the trans-generational perspective to the COVID debate, which I gained facilitating Family Constellations since 1998. I will also provide the spiritually awake viewpoint I acquired from my ownspiritual and worldly awakening process, which began in 2003 with an illness that kept me bedridden for six months and culminated in 2009 in what traditionally is called spiritual enlightenment - which I call Clear-Seeing.

In this report (Part One, Two and Three) I provide a variety of links for you to research further if you are interested. When you see phrases or a word highlighted in blue inside a sentence, this means you can click on them. A new page will open up with additional information pertaining to that subject. You can click also on any picture. You'll be taken to the picture’s source website or video page.
Part One was created in 2021. It contains information pertaining to COVID and the COVID measures and contains data that was available until December 31, 2021. I've updated the information where applicable to make the data current as of July 2022.
Part Two deals with the trans-generational issue: people re-living again and again throughout human history the exact same challenges, and the only way to stop this vicious cycle of repetition is a spiritual and worldly awakening.
Part Three provides the historical background to the current COVID crisis dating back at least 150 years according to my research - and the ultimate goal that is to be accomplished.
When at the beginning of 2020 I first learned about the novel corona SARS CoV-2 virus, I followed the news media closely. The reports that were arriving from China and Italy were alarming. It seemed we had a very lethal pathogen on our hands. It was clear we needed to take every possible precaution to save lives and protect ourselves and others from harm. However, when the announcement was made that the only way the pandemic could come to an end was when all people on planet earth would be vaccinated, I knew something fishy was going on.
Quite a few medical doctors and vaccine experts from around the world spoke up right away. They voiced their concerns, stating the data showed that the SARS-CoV-2 virus wasn’t as deadly as initially assumed. They also shared that preventative, as well as early treatments for COVID-19 were available. They let people know that they didn't need to be afraid of the virus. They were repurposing easily available, cheap, and effective FDA approved drugs, which helped their patients stay out of hospitals and successfully recover from their COVID-19 infections. It's why I was flabbergasted when an utterly strange phenomenon took place. These medical doctors and scientists were silenced. They were negated as vaccine deniers and not allowed to share their views on any official mainstream media platform.
We were told "Listen to the experts". "Science knows best." "Don't ask questions". "Do what the experts say".
You will most likely not know this about me, but I was born and raised in Austria. My parents were children during the Nazi regime. My mom's father died on the Russian front. She only saw him once when she was a year old. You see her sitting on her father's lap in the photo below. It's the only time my mom ever saw her dad. My father also lost a family member. His mother's youngest brother, Michael, my dad's uncle, also died as a young man during that war.I must have inherited the memory of the effects of those times. The phrases "Do as I say", "Obey", "Don't ask questions"and to blindly follow what I am told never sat right with me. Not even as a child.
Democracy and science function by discussing various viewpoints and opinions. When lots of different ideas come together, something great can emerge out of carefully weighing all the pros and cons. Yet, with theSARS-CoV-2 virus, the ability for a variety of ideas being discussed was hindered from the get-go. There was only one particular viewpoint allowed, and that was the viewpoint of a vaccine being the only means to get humanity out of the pandemic and 'back to normal'. I knew this was a lie.
How did I know the official COVID story was a lie? There were two aspects. Both had to do with something I'd learned. One learning had occurred due to a personal interest. The other had to do with acquiring a skill I needed for my profession facilitating Family Constellations. I call this skill double-listening. You will find details further on.
It was due to my own personal interest and study that I knew vaccines were not necessary to fight a virus. I'd educated myself extensively on the matter previously. Ever since 1986, when my son was a year old, I learned about health and nutrition. I wanted to provide the best possible diet for my child so his body would grow healthy and strong. I spent hours upon hours for many years reading books, visiting seminars, and ordering videocassette tapes of lectures I would then devour. We ate a whole food, organic, mostly raw vegetarian diet with homegrown sprouts, freshly pressed vegetable and fruit juices, delightful smoothies, self-made whole grain sourdough breads, and dehydrated raw seeds and nuts crackers.
On my own body, I also tried out most of the alternative healing practices that were available at the time. I engaged in water and juice fasts for up to ten days, did parasite and colon cleanses, supplemented with digestive enzymes and friendly bacteria, and added various vital herbal substances to my daily diet.
In the late 1980s, when most people hadn't even heard of vegetarianism, wheat grass juice, and kombucha tea, I was fermenting my own kombucha in the kitchen closet and regularly drank freshly harvested and homegrown barley grass juice. Years ahead of most everyone, I was fully engaged in the alternative health and whole-food lifestyle, which has now become mainstream.
Back then, I was looked at as crazy and weird. When I wanted to replace the artificially colored sugar water icicles for my son's elementary school fundraiser that had been used for many years with real fruit juice icicles, I was met with enormous opposition. "Nobody will buy them since nobody knows what they are", was the argument concerned parents shared with me.
We've come a long way since then. The suggestion to use real fruit juice instead of colored sugar water wouldn't raise an eyebrow today. You can also buy nowadays wheat grass juice, kombucha tea, and friendly bacteria in almost all regular supermarkets without any problem.
Taking care of my son's and my own health in natural ways was our health insurance. We never went to see a regular medical doctor. I had a cabinet full of homeopathic and herbal remedies that would support our immune system in case we caught a cold.
My son had lots of ear infections when he was little. The only thing his pediatrician did was prescribe repeated rounds of antibiotics. This did not make sense to me. It's what initially got me to research health and nutrition. I wanted to help my son. I saw the drugs he was getting didn't help him. He kept getting sick.
From my studies I understood that antibiotics are extremely damaging to the microbiome so that immune functioning is lowered. Once I grasped what the body required to build a healthy, strong, and vital immune system to fight bacteria and viruses naturally, my son never got sick again.
We didn't have a regular medical doctor as a family physician, but we did have a homeopathic doctor we visited once in a while for wellness checkups. He had prescribed my son and I a homeopathic remedy, which would kick our immune system into gear when needed. All we had to do is take a few pellets as soon as we noticed cold or flu symptoms appear. Then, the cold or flu virus or bacteria would not be able to take hold in our bodies and we wouldn't get sick.
These little pellets, along with a whole food home-cooked organic vegetarian diet, essential supplements such as Vitamin C, a huge dose of daily sunshine (which was easy since we lived in Hawaii), fun, play, and lots of outdoor exercise kept my son and myself healthy and strong for many years.
This is why I knew we weren’t told the truth with the official COVID-19 story. From my very own, personal, first-hand experience I know that the human body has an inbuilt, highly effective, perfectly-functioning immune system that can fight any disease. However, the immune system must be given the health-promoting natural substances it needs to function properly.
Of course, the body itself must be healthy and strong. It's the only way our bodies' immune system can work as it’s designed to work. An unhealthy body will have a harder time fighting a bacterial or viral infection since the immune system will already be busy dealing with preexisting health issues.
Many years ago in Hawaii, where I lived at the time and was raising my son, I had a friend visit from Austria for six weeks. She was intrigued since I was right then engaging in a water. She decided to join me in doing a water fast for three days. On the third day, a wart fell off her leg she had for many years. She had tried all kinds of methods to get rid of the wart but nothing had worked. A three day water fast did the trick. Warts and other lesions on the skin show that internally toxins have accumulated, which the body is trying to excrete through the skin. A fast gives the body a rest so its self-regulating systems can engage in a thorough house cleaning. Toxic buildup like warts and lesions simply fall off or heal when toxins aren't circulating through the body any longer.
Years later I became friends with a man in his mid 60s who was plagued by repeated sinus infections. At least twice a year he was out of commission for several days because he felt so ill. Often he was prescribed several rounds of antibiotics because one round wasn’t sufficient to get the infections under control. I offered my advice and suggested he engage in some thorough internal body cleansing, a diet change, and adding of some whole food herbal supplements to his daily regimen. Much to this brave fellow’s credit he was open to giving my suggestions a try. Within two years he stopped having sinus infections. Not a single one! We keep in touch from time to time and the feed back remains the same. No more sinus infections. Plus his blood work, which his primary care physicians runs twice a year as a preventative measure always comes back with excellent numbers. This means his body is in perfect health. Being in his mid 70s by now it’s quite an accomplishment. I am very proud of my friend and happy he took me up a decade ago to try my (to him strange, I am sure) suggestions and make those changes to his lifestyle routines.
Worldly and spiritual awakening is a MUST
Is it true what you're told that only drugs, vaccines, and medical interventions can make you well and protect you from getting sick? Or exists there a step prior to you getting sick where you have the ability to affect your own body and immune system to either be healthy and strong or sickly and weak? Is your health and well-being really dependent on a doctor? Or is your health and well-being dependent on your own personal choices, decisions, behaviors, and actions? Is it possible to be your own authority in your own life? Or is it required for you to live a good life that you hand over your jurisdiction to external sources and let other people tell you what's right and good for you?
Worldly awakening is about you questioning everything that pertains to worldly matters and affairs. You must question all that you've been told in the past, are currently told in the present, have been programmed to believe, know for certain, have never doubted, or second guessed. Only by questioning everything, and coming to your own conclusions can you live as a sovereign, un-programmed, authentic, and truly free human being in this world. Living an un-programmed and truly feel life is what spiritual and worldly awakening is all about. QUESTIONING EVERYTHING is the first step in this awakening process.
What I find astonishing is how many highly educated persons aren't questioning the official COVID narrative. They simply trust other highly educated people to speak the truth. No due diligence research is performed to verify the statements, theories, and proposals that are put forth. Somehow, individuals with the title MD or PhD behind their names are considered trusted sources who aren't needed to be vetted. The same unquestioned trust is given to official politicians, mainstream media personal, CEOs of multinational corporations, finance institutions, NGOs (not-for-profit Non-Governmental Organizations), and Hollywood celebrities.
Naomi Wolf, the American journalist, best-selling author of The Beauty Myth; Vagina: A New Biography; The End of America; and spokesperson of what's considered the third wave of feminism expressed her bafflement over this issue in her recent article. She wrote, The progressive, right-on part of the ideological world — my people, my tribe, my whole life — became more and more uncritical, less and less able to reason. Friends and colleagues who were wellness-oriented, and who their whole adult lives had known the dangers of Big Pharma — and who would only use Burt’s Bees on their babies’ bottoms and sunscreen with no PABAs on themselves— lined up to take an experimental gene therapy; why not? And worse, it seemed, they crowded around, like the stone throwers in Shirley Jackson’s short story “The Lottery,” to lash out at and to shun anyone who raised the most basic questions about Big Pharma and its highly compensated spokesmodels. Their critical thinking, but worse, their entire knowledge base about that industry, seemed to have evaporated magically into the ether.Whole belief systems were abandoned painlessly and overnight as if it these communities were in the grip of a collective hallucination, like the witch craze of the 15th to 17th centuries in Northern Europe. Intelligent, informed people suddenly saw things that were not there and were unable to see things that were incontrovertibly before their faces.Feminist health activists, who surely knew perfectly well the histories of how the pharmaceutical and medical industries had experimented ad nauseam on the bodies of women with disastrous results, lined up to take an injection that by March of 2021 women were reporting was wreaking painful havoc on their menstrual cycles. These same feminist health activists had spoken out earlier, as they should have, about Big Pharma’s and Big Medicine’s colonization of women’s reproductive health processes, and had spoken out about issues ranging from women’s access to safe contraception to abortion rights, to the rights of mothers to a midwifery delivery or to a birthing room, or to the right to labour or the right to store milk at work or the right to breastfeed in public.But these formerly reliable custodians of well-informed medical skepticism and of women’s health rights, were silent, silent, as such voices as former HHS official Dr Paul Alexander warned that spike protein from MRNA vaccines may accumulate in the ovaries (and testes)...
What I find equally bewildering is how many spiritual people are also not questioning the official COVID-19 storyline. This is even true with spiritual teachers who have large followings. The focus seemed to have concentrated on spiritual awakening only. But worldly and spiritual awakening go hand in hand. If you have one without the other, your awakening will be lopsided. Spiritual awakening won't be integrated and fully functional without also worldly awakening.
The book Zen at War describes this phenomenon beautifully. The author Brian Daizen Victoria documented that from the end of the 19th century until 1945, the entire Japanese Buddhist establishment actively supported Japan’s war effort and militarism, although Buddhism is supposed to be a religion of wisdom, peace, kindness, generosity, and compassion. The 2001 Japanese edition of Zen at War evoked these first-time apologies from two
Being worldly awake in regards to health
There always have been inexpensive, as well as free things everyone can do as a preventative measure to assist their immune system to ward off disease and use as early treatment options in case the body is invaded by a virus or bacteria. These inexpensive and free options didn't magically disappear in 2020 when the novel SARS-CoV-2 appeared on the scene. I'll briefly list the items I know of and have successfully used myself, with my son, my loved ones, friends, and acquaintances. In case you're unfamiliar with these natural remedies, I hope you will find this list helpful. I've also linked published scientific studies related to each remedy so that you can see there's scientific and even medical proof associated with their effectiveness and scientific approval.
What's fascinating is that most of the studies I will list for you are published on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) website. These institutes belong to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services of which Dr. Anthony Fauci is a part. The NIH is the United States nation’s medical research agency. It is devoted, according to its website, to making important discoveries that improve health and save lives.
How is it possible that Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been director of the The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, which is one of 27 institutes and centers that make up the NIH, had not a single preventative or early treatment protocol to share with the American people? The only remedy Dr. Fauci announced was a vaccine that wasn’t even developed at the beginning of the pandemic, let alone tested for safety and advocacy. Dr. Fauci couldn’t know if a vaccine was going to be developed in a reasonable time frame, and if it would even work.
Therefore, how could Dr. Fauci make such a statement? Especially, since I knew offhand of several preventative and early treatment protocols that could have been implemented immediately that would have helped the American people and the people around the world. On top of that, I had found a plethora of published scientific studies on the subject of prevention and early treatment of viral infections via a simple Google search. No expensive doctor visits were required, no elaborate drug protocols had to be prescribed, these remedies had no side effects, were 100% natural, and easily available to be accessed by everyone.
Dr. Anthony Fauci is director for The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which means knowing all about viruses and bacteria is his specialty. The mission statement on the NIAID's website reads as follows: NIAID conducts and supports basic and applied research to better understand, treat, and ultimately prevent infectious, immunologic, and allergic diseases. For more than 60 years, NIAID research has led to new therapies, vaccines, diagnostic tests, and other technologies that have improved the health of millions of people in the United States and around the world.
Did you know that in the fiscal year of 2021 the NIAID's budget was $6.1 billion? Check out the picture above. It's stated right on Dr. Fauci's NIAID page. So, $6.1 billion dollars were spent and the American people and the people around the world got as their only option to deal with the SARS CoV-2 virus a gene-based mRNA injection that was going to be emergency-rushed, minimally safety tested for just a few months, and had never before been administered to human beings. No long term trials for safety and efficacy would have been done. No information would be existing about any potential long-term dangers and side effects.
A new book by Robert Kennedy, Jr. was released in November 2021 called The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. It's currently the number one book on Amazon’s top seller list. Kennedy Jr. exposes Dr. Fauci’s many decades-long corrupt dealings and as he states, extraordinary influence over hospitals, universities, journals, and thousands of influential doctors and scientists — whose careers and institutions he has the power to ruin, advance, or reward.If alleviating COVID-19 related suffering and deaths would have really been top priority of our politicians, official medical doctors, policy makers, and scientists, then the public should have been made aware of these immune and health promoting aspects I innumerate for you below.
First, why did none of our official COVID experts - not even a single time!!! - mention that people should consider adding Vitamin C to their daily regimen? Vitamin C is widely known as a strong immune booster.

A study about Vitamin C was posted in October 1999 at the NIH National Library of Medicine titled, The effectiveness of vitamin C in preventing and relieving the symptoms of virus-induced respiratory infections. The study showed that flu and cold symptoms decreased 85% after administration high doses of Vitamin C. The conclusion of the study states, Vitamin C in megadoses administered before or after the appearance of cold and flu symptoms relieved and prevented the symptoms in the test population compared with the control group.
Second, why didn't the official scientists and medical advisors in charge of the COVID-19 pandemic mention anything about utilizing antiviral and antibacterial herbal supplements as a prevention or early treatment for the SARS CoV-2 corona virus?
A variety of herbal substances are known to fight bacterial and viral infections naturally. A meta-study in regards to antiviral herbs was posted in January 2017 at the NIH National Library of Medicine by the title Prevention and Treatment of Influenza, Influenza-Like Illness, and Common Cold by Herbal, Complementary, and Natural Therapies. For this study, the National Library of Medicine database was searched from its earliest records through August 2015. Viral respiratory tract infections had become a major issues worldwide by then. The study states, the frequent alterations in the antigenic structures of respiratory viruses, particularly for RNA viruses, pose difficulties in production of effective vaccines. The unavailability of optimal medication and shortage of effective vaccines suggests the requirement for alternative natural therapies. Several herbal remedies were used for prevention and treatment viral respiratory illnesses.
The study mentioned that complementary and alternative therapies for colds and flu were commonly used by ancient people. They were used to cure or prevent respiratory viral infections and many nations obtained traditional experience in such remedies. The conclusion of the study remarks that many herbal therapies have scientific evidence of activity against respiratory viruses. The herbal medicines, such as maoto, licorice roots, antiwei, North American ginseng, elderberry, Echinacea, pomegranate, guava tea, and Bai Shao, were found effective in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections. The studies revealed several mechanisms of action by which herbal extracts fight respiratory viruses. Some dietary supplements also revealed efficacy in prevention and treatment of respiratory viral infections. Supplements including zinc, selenium, vitamin C, probiotics, seaweed extract, yeast-based product, and garlic extract, demonstrated supportive effects against respiratory viruses.
Third, why did our COVID task force officials never mention to people to eat a more vital, nutrient dense diet and drink a lot of fresh water?
These are two simple things anyone could have done to aid themselves and their loved ones from getting sick. The body would have been fueled with essential building blocks to build a strong immune system from the nutritious substances in the food. The extra water would have provided the body the necessary fluid to wash out the toxins that bacteria and viruses generate.
Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health offers an informational page on its website about an immune-supportive diet, saying, a high-fiber plant-rich diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes appear to support the growth and maintenance of beneficial microbes. Certain helpful microbes break down fibers into short chain fatty acids, which have been shown to stimulate immune cell activity. An article posted on the University of California website titled Stay Well-Hydrated for a Strong Immune System. In it is stated, Our immune system is highly dependent on the nutrients in our blood stream, and our blood stream is made mostly of water! If we don’t have enough water, we cannot properly transport nutrients to each organ system. Staying well hydrated is also very important for detoxification pathways, increasing lymphatic draining and making sure we are clearing out any foreign invaders and other waste materials.
Fourth, why didn't our experts in charge share with the public that it is imperative to get sunshine onto our skin on a daily basis as sun exposure builds Vitamin D3 reserves organically?
Adequate levels of Vitamin D3 are essential for proper immune health. With low levels, our bodies are susceptible to be attacked by viruses and bacteria, which then can take hold more easily and produce cold and flu symptoms and infections.
Low levels of Vitamin D3 occur especially during the fall and winter months. There is a reason we have a yearly Flu Season which starts in October and ends in May. Flu seasons are directly linked to people not getting enough sunshine and therefore have low Vitamin D3 levels. By properly supplementing with Vitamin D3 (and also Vitamin C) during fall and winter many cold and flu infections can be avoided.
All official COVID experts absolutely should have told the inhabitants of each of their countries that adequate levels of Vitamin D3 reduces the chance of becoming ill with a cold and flu infection. This is a scientifically proven fact. A study published in February 2017 by the British Medical Journal stated that out of the 11321 participants aged 0 to 95 years, Vitamin D3 supplementation reduced the risk of acute respiratory tract infection among all participants. By clicking here you can read a brief report of this study done by Harvard University.
A more recent meta study titled, COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status, and a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D3 was published October 2021 at the NIH National Library of Medicine. The result of the study suggests that a theoretical point of zero mortality could be achieved with an approximately 50 ng/mL D3 level. The study's conclusion states, The datasets provide strong evidence that low D3 is a predictor rather than just a side effect of the infection.
Fifth, why was it not strongly encouraged by our corona pandemic scientists and experts that people continue (or start) to exercise?
Exercise is a well-known aspect of a health-building lifestyle and contributes to strong immune function. The article Stepping Up Exercise Could Help Beat The Cold Virus posted on the National Public Radio website November 2010 reviews the study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine on the benefit of daily exercise in relation to the cold and flu. That article states, At the end of the three-month study, the researchers found that the more the participants exercised, the less they reported getting sick. Those who exercised five days a week for 20 minutes or more experienced about 40 percent fewer days of illness compared with those putting in less than one day a week of activity.
Another study was done from 2012 to 2016 to find out if mindfulness meditation and exercise protect against the common cold and influenza. The study was done by the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health and sponsored by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. The conclusion of the study found thatthose who participated in eight weeks of mindfulness-meditation training or took an eight-week program of moderate-intensity sustained exercise had lower rates of acute respiratory infections (ARI) compared to a control group. However, in addition to the reduction in acute respiratory infection illnesses, the mindfulness meditation and exercise groups also encountered psychological benefits including stress and depression reduction, improvements in general health and mindful attention. The study was published June 2018 by PLoS One.
Last but not least, my sixth point is certainly the most essential health giving advice our COVID officials should have shared with people. Why did none of our corona pandemic advisors tell everyone to have fun, to laugh, to play, and to enjoy themselves with loved ones and friends?
In fact, the exact opposite had been done (and is still being done) with terror and fear being continually stocked when it's another scientifically proven fact that stress and fear have severe health and immune debilitating effects. Click here to read the report on the NIH website about Dr. Hans Selye, the founder of the stress theory. Dr. Seyle meticulously documented the devastating effects stressful life situations, anxiety, and fear have on the physical body. Dr. Selye, who lived from 1907 - 1982 was an Austrian-Hungarian endocrinologist who said based on his many decade-long professional research, Every stress leaves an indelible scar and the organism pays for its survival after a stressful situation by becoming a little older.
To the contrary of fear, terror, and stress, the activities of laughter, having fun, playing, sharing love and care enormously boost our immune system by producing vitally important feel-good chemicals that are essential for our health and well-being. You probably do not know about Norman Cousins. He became famous when he healed himself in 1964 of a debilitating and life-threatening disease through daily deep belly laughter and megadoses of Vitamin C. His account was published in 1976 in The New England Journal of Medicine under the title Anatomy of an Illness (As Perceived by the Patient).
Although I never studied professionally the matter of health, wellbeing, and natural healing, I have been immersed in this subject of holistic health for many years. What I studied, know, and have practiced in my life does work. This is why the official recommendation from the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to vaccinate every man, woman, and child across the entire globe with gene-based injections that could potentially alter people's genetic codes, which also have not been tested for long-term safety seemed absolutely incomprehensible to me.
Promotion of fear with COVID restrictions:
Fear is a powerful motivator - especially when fear of death is invoked! Fear also serves as a powerful catalyst to remain worldly asleep
The severe COVID measures that were implemented 'to keep people safe' seemed to me to be way over the top and destructive on so many levels. I'll itemize them for you below. I'll also explain about double-listening, which is a helpful skill to utilize when you want to live as a worldly awake human being. Just as declaring the mRNA vaccines had to be injected into every arm in people around the globe as the only means to end the COVID pandemic, I sensed something really fishy was occurring in regards to the COVID restrictions as well.

All across the world, people were told to stay at home when they fell ill. Only after they were so sick that they could not stand it anymore should go to the hospital. There, they'd be treated with some heavy-duty drugs and most likely be placed on a ventilator. Many people did not survive these last-ditch efforts and treatments. I do not know of a single illness where doctors tell their sick patients to stay at home, do nothing, wait until they are so ill that they can't manage anymore, and then they will treat them.
Thousands upon thousands of drugs and treatments have been developed for cancer, diabetics, nerve injuries, etc. which are all based on early detection of the disease and early treatment. The reasoning behind this medical practice is that you want to detect an illness early so that it can be staved off and stopped from proceeding.
Why was this century-old medical protocol not applied to COVID-19? Why were no early treatments made available to fight SARS-CoV-2 infections? Not only that, why were alternative treatments actively suppressed and taken off the market in all Western countries?
Why were doctors who successfully treated their patients with early outpatient as well as preventative treatments brought before medical boards, shunned by their peers, fired from their hospitals and clinics, and lost their licenses? Most of these doctors' patients never had to go to a hospital and were protected from dying. Yet, instead of celebrating these doctors as heroes, they were (and still are) defamed as quack doctors.
One such doctor is Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA, FASN, FNKF, FNLA, FCRSA, internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and the most highly published cardiac and kidney specialist in history in his area of expertise. He had been highly regarded for many years and accredited as you can see from all his accolades. Nevertheless, he has now been fired from Baylor University Medical Center of which he was part since 2014. Dr. McCullough is repeatedly defamed for his outspokenness about early outpatient treatments for COVID-19 patients and for warning against the potentially dangerous side effects the minimally-tested gene-based COVID injections may cause.
Just like thousands of other outspoken medical doctors around the globe, Dr. McCullough is an actual practicing physician. He speaks from his direct experience, having personally worked with and treated COVID-19 patients in his medical practice throughout the corona pandemic. Click here for the video of his Texas Senate testimony in March 2021. Click here for the full-length video conference of the US Senate Hearing in November 2020 titled, Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution in which Dr. McCullough participated. In the meantime, a third hearing has taken place in which Dr. McCullough served as co-moderator. You can listen to additional testimonies of practicing medical doctors, nurses, lawyers, and also of vaccine injured Americans. Click here to watch the video, the hearing begins 40 minutes into the video recording.
Another practicing medical doctor, the Canadian Dr. Charles Hoffe has also been speaking up since the earliest days of the COVID pandemic in 2020. Dr. Hoffe, too has been fired from his hospital job for asking questions and for wanting to help his vaccine-injured patients. He's currently speaking in Canada at various meeting points, warning against the COVID-19 injections. He is talking about the irreversible damage these mRNA injections can cause especially in children, the many cancers that are suddenly being diagnosed, and the heart, brain, and nerve injuries that are appearing en masse in COVID vaccinated persons. To listen to one of his talks from the road please click here.
A highly esteemed medical doctor from Germany, Thai-born Dr. Sucharid Bhakti, has also been outspoken since early 2020. Click here to watch one of his latest warning calls that was recorded in December 2021. In this video clip, Dr. Bhakti describes the incredible damage organs are displaying from the COVID vaccines as is determined by autopsies. He relays the steep increase of stage four cancers and the activation of previously dormant viral infections such as Epstein Barr and Tuberculosis, which had been kept in check by people‘s immune system, which the mRNA injections is destroying.

Click here to listen to the warning by Dr. Robert Malone who is the inventor of the mRNA gene-based vaccine technology. Dr. Malone states that the mRNA vaccines are extremely dangerous to children and should absolutely not be administered. Dr. Malone too has had to endure repeated attacks by "fact-checkers" and ongoing defamation insults. You can listen by clicking here to an in-depth interview in which Dr. Malone addresses the various scientific discrpancies of the COVID pandemic.
Dr Roger Hodkinson, a highly credentialed medical doctor from Canada, and expert in the field of pathology has also been speaking out since early 2020. He has repeatedly and emphatically warned of the dangers of the COVID vaccines. Click here to listen to his latest warning saying, it's all been a pack of lies.
Dr. Shankara Chetty is another practicing medical doctor who lives in South Africa who treated over 7,000 COVID-19 patients and had not a single patient die under his care. He discovered that oxygen isn't necessary in the treatment of COVID-19 if treated properly from the get-go, and that the COVID-19 illness actually unfolds in two phases. Dr. Chetty has also been speaking out since early 2020 and has shared his successful treatment protocol with medial doctors worldwide. He too has been censored and experienced attacks of defamation. Click here to listen to Dr. Chetty share his knowledge in an interview with Rainer Fuellmich of the German Corona Ausschuss.
Dr. Mike Yeadon had to also endure relentless attacks against his character and medical expertise even though he has had a long career in the vaccine and pharmacological industry. Dr. Yeadon was vice president and chief scientist for Pfizer for many years, and had built and sold his own successful biotech company. Due to his extensive knowledge, Dr. Yeadon spoke up right away that the COVID-19 science was incorrect, and that the COVID mRNA injections are dangerous. Dr. Yeadon, along with an ever-growing number of professionals and laypersons alike, is also extremely concerned about the roll-out of the COVID passports and the worldwide AI directed track-and-trace technology. Click here to watch Dr. Yeadon's full-length interview.
Geert Vanden Bossche, DVM, PhD, is an independent virologist and vaccine expert who worked at several vaccine companies, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Discovery, and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). He warned very early on of the dangers of mass vaccination, saying mass vaccination will lead to an explosion of viral mutations, which will not be able to be contained. This is exactly what has occurred with all the various variants surfacing since mass vaccinating of the global population has started. As so many of his contemporaries, he's been slandered and called a vaccine denier. Click here to listen to a recent interview excerpt about the Omicron variant and vaccine boosters.
For the past 22 months, I've listened to the testimonies of over two hundred medical doctors, scientists in the biotech sphere, and other experts from a variety of related fields. These professionals, even though highly credentialed in their area of expertise have been systematically excluded from any democratic dialogue and scientific discussion.
Almost two full years have passed since the corona pandemic began. The official recommendation to treat the infectious disease COVID-19 has remained the same.
No early outpatient treatments are allowed. Longstanding, beneficial FDA approved medicines that are successfully used in other countries have been taken off the shelves in the US. Doctors are forbidden to use them. Those MDs who do prescribe early outpatient treatments to treat SARS-CoV-2 infections to mitigate hospitalization and death of their patients continue to be viciously attacked by the mainstream media, their medical boards, and their peers. This censoring is happening in many countries worldwide.
To this day (December 31, 2021), the only official prevention and treatment for COVID-19 are the gene-based mRNA injections and the repeated booster shots.
The second aspect that told me the official COVID narrative was a lie had to do with double-listening.
When I studied to become a facilitator of Family Constellations I had to acquire a skill I call double-listening. When clients tell me about problems they want to resolve, I not only listen with my regular hearing to the words they are speaking. I also listen with my intuitive inner direct-hearing to hear what they are not saying. Additional information is equally available to be picked up by anyone who knows how to access this supplemental data, which is stored within a person's consciousness field.
I'll share an example from my healing and deprogramming practice, which will help you understand what I mean. A client told me of her extreme anger towards her mother. She listed all the many ways her mother had done things to hurt her throughout her life. I heard the words she spoke, but simultaneously was in tune with what she did not mention. I felt there was enormous sadness hiding underneath her anger. If I would have worked on the anger issue with my client, she'd never resolve her anger because anger wasn't the actual issue. Anger, in her case, was a mere surface defense mechanism, so she didn't have to feel the repressed sadness - which was her real issue.
When I asked my client why she felt so sad she was startled at first because I hadn't affirmed her story. Instead, I asked her to look inside herself to see if there was sadness there, and if yes, what it was about. After a short pause, tears began to run down her face. She told me that she had been separated from her mother when she was a young child due to her mom being sick. After that, she could never feel close to her again. When I helped my client deal with this repressed loss of connection, sadness, and grief, the anger disappeared on its own as a consequence.
So much vitally-essential information is so often unknown because our rational mind can't access it. We need to make use of other functions like double-listening to become attuned to this hidden data, which then allows us to heal, release old habitual restrictions, and live a truly free life. Most people do not know they possess this double-listening ability. If they knew they could hear, know, and understand what is not being said by the words people are speaking, the world would be in a very different state from the one it is in today.
Imagine living in a world where all people know when someone isn't speaking the truth, is deceitful, withholding information, or providing information that is incorrect. Misunderstandings would no longer occur. Once people have the ability to know what another person is not saying with the words they are speaking, open and clear communications can take place. Lies would simply no longer be told as they'd be recognized instantly. No fertile ground would exist for corruption and deceit to occur, fester, and grow.
Having developed this ability in my work, I knew our COVID officials were not telling the truth because I was able to access the information they weren’t mentioning.
That's how I knew from the very beginning of 2020 the corona pandemic had nothing to do with health. An agenda existed to achieve certain goals to accomplish a bigger plan, which the people in power chose not to share with the public. They knew people wouldn't go along with that plan. Billions of people around the globe would not freely muzzle themselves and their children with face coverings that do more harm than good; hide themselves away in fear and no longer engage in normal life; cease being physically connected with their loved ones and friends; give up their livelihood, work, and businesses; and let themselves, their children, and family members be injected with the barely-tested gene-based inoculations.
This is certainly what Stefan Oelrich, a member of Bayer’s Board of Management believed. Oelrich stated in his opening speech at the World Health Summit in Berlin in October 2021 "The mRNA vaccines are an example of cell and gene therapy. If we had surveyed two years ago in the public 'Would you be willing to take a gene therapy injected into your body' we would have probably had a 95% refusal rate." Watch his speech here. I sourced this video from the article, Fact Check: Are mRNA-Injections Vaccines or Gene Therapy? Read article here (although you must use Google translate as it is in German.)

Since March 2020 I knew the COVID pandemic was used for a purpose other than what we were told. I will list the various aspects of the plan for you below. They were so horrendous and unbelievable, most people I talked to about them considered me crazy. This is how huge portions of the global population remained worldly asleep. They could not conceive of the people in power they had trusted their whole life would purposefully harm them.
Although through my double-listening skill I accessed a variety of details that were going to happen, I didn't know if the information I received was accurate. This is why I began to research online. I needed to verify the information my double-listening had presented to me. In the process, I discovered some unthinkable data pertaining to a plan with the intent to achieve a particular end goal that dates back at least one hundred and fifty years. I will share with you what I learned about this background information in Part Three. My family and many of my friends thought what I told them would never come to pass. They called me crazy, a COVID denier, and conspiracy theorist. A dear person who I'd been close to for ten years even broke off all contact with me. What I spoke of seemed too far fetched and insane.
However, in my over twenty-year Family Constellation Work career, my double-listening skill has not once failed me. That's because the information that is accessed in my work are the unspoken words, desires, longings, fears, worries, concerns, and intentions that are registered within a person's consciousness field. This is why information that is accessed through double-listening is accurate. It's coming straight from the people themselves who have been (and are) thinking and feeling in those particular ways. Most people aren't aware their thoughts, emotions, and instinctual impulses are recorded as vibrational or energetic imprints within their consciousness field (other terms are aura, subconscious, knowing field, or morphic field), which can be accessed and read like a book. On the non-physical, energetic, or vibrational level nothing is hidden. All information is freely available and can be tapped into by anyone who knows how.
1. The pandemic and its restrictions would not end
Although we were told we had to shut down the world economy and have all people remain in their homes for just two weeks to flatten the curve, I knew normal life would not return. The restrictions would continue, change, and morph from one restriction to other ones. The plan was to destroy our habitual way of life and never return to the way things were.
---This has certainly been proven true. Instead of two weeks to flatten the curve almost the entire world is still bound by a variety of COVID restrictions since almost two years! Our 'old' world, to which our leaders told us we would be 'allowed' to return after those two-weeks of flattening is nowhere to be seen. We were told a lie! ***As of July 2022, thanks to the relentless work by citizen journalists around the world giving experts a voice who have been censored by the mainstream and social media, information about the COVID lies are generating an ever-growing resistance around the world so that many COVID restrictions have either loosened or been lifted entirely, which is a huge win!
2. The vaccine roll-out would not be a one-time deal
The plan is for people worldwide to get vaccinated on an ongoing basis, year after year, with most likely two or more injections per year. I had no idea how this would be presented so people would accept it. Now we know. It's done through the relentless reporting of ever new and dangerous mutations and variants - and the required booster shots.
---As of this writing in December 2021, a large number of people in many countries are already tripple vaccinated. Great Britain just announced Covid vaccine booster shots can be taken every three months to aid against all the new variants that are appearing. Canada has secured up to 290 million doses of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for 2022, 2023 and 2024 for its 38 million Canadian citizens. That's almost 8 COVID shots for every man, woman, and child for the next three years. Netherlands just announced a plan to give people up to six doses of COVID vaccine. The Netherlands just announced that it may move towards administering three more booster COVID-19 vaccines, two of which would be in 2022. ***Additional attempts have already been made in 2022 to scare people with new potential viruses such as the Monkeypox virus, the Marburg virus, and also new COVID variants - all of which have vaccines all ready to go and to be offered to the public.
3. A two-tiered society would be established
People who didn't want to be injected with the COVID shots will be excluded from participating in everyday life. They will become something like outcasts of society. Normal life will be off limits to them. They will no longer be allowed to enter restaurants, cafes, bars, schools, universities, grocery stores, shopping malls, hair or cosmetic salons, fitness centers, airports, train stations, etc.
---Excluding unvaccinated people from regular life already began in mid 2021 in Israel, France, and Italy. People are no longer allowed into grocery stores, hospitals, restaurants, gyms, etc. The same is also happening in some states in the US. Not being allowed to shop for food at a local farmer's market is now being reported from Canada with a Twitter video post you can watch here. Restrictions for Lithuanians who are not double vaccinated represent some of the harshest in the world. No vaccination, no valid COVID vaccination papers - no entry. ***As of July 2022, thanks to the enormous resistance that has been sweeping the globe from country to country, along with several lawsuits that have been won, the two-tiered social structure that was so prevalent in 2020 and 2021 has mostly disappeared in the US.
4. Entrances would be guarded
Police, military personal, security guards, and special COVID wardens would be placed in front of entryways and demand people show their valid vaccine documentation. Anyone who would not be able to produce a valid vaccine status would not be allowed entry and would be turned away.
---This has already come to pass in many countries around the world. It's no longer even considered abnormal that you have to show a valid vaccination status to participate in life. ***As of July 2022, thanks to the enormous resistance, most businesses no longer require people to show their Covid pass. We shall see what will happen fall and winter of 2022.
5. The Communist-era "Show Your Papers Please" will return
That people would be required to carry with them at all times a vaccination card, which would show their vaccination status was evident to me. However, I had no idea how this idea would be made appealing to people. Having to carry documentation around with them every day, all day long, which they would continually have to present to some official gatekeeper who would then judge if they had the privilege to enter or not, needed some special kind of persuasion tactic, I thought. I was wrong. It turned out to not be a hard sell at all. People actually liked the idea, embraced it right way, and felt 'safe' because of this procedure.
---A downloadable app has been made available to people they could place on their smartphones. This app then performs all the tracking, tracing, monitoring, and surveilling to record at all times where people are at, what they are doing, who they are with, and who they are close to in proximity. People get a ding on their smartphone when their app discovers they were too close to someone who had tested positive for COVID. Their app then tells them to self-quarantine for a certain number of days to protect themselves and others.
6. The Communist-era random police checks will return
Once the tracking and surveillance system was established, people would be spot checked. The activities of simply taking a walk, having a coffee at a cafe, eating at a restaurant, shopping for groceries, and driving in their car would be subjected to spontaneous and unannounced checks.
---This checking for vaccine status is happening now routinely since many months in many countries. ***As of July 2022, thanks to the enormous resistance that is taking place, I am unaware of police checks still occurring to check COVID passes since most COVID restrictions have loosened or been lifted.
7. Covid injections would become mandatory
Even as early as Aptil 2020 it was obvious mandatory vaccination would eventually be established. The option to not receive the COVID vaccine would at one point no longer be possible.
---Mandatory vaccination was announced in Austria in November 2021 and will take effect in February 2022. Those who refuse to get vaccinated will have to pay a fine or go to prison. Click here to listen to an Austrian medical doctor who was fired from her hospital job for speaking out about the dangers of the COVID vaccine. She shares what the situation is in Austria in December 2021 with the mandatory vaccination. ***This has not come to pass as of July 2022 thanks to a growing resistance
in Austria against the COVID measures.
8. Camps will be established
COVID camps would be established whereby police and military officials would remove people from their homes and place them into COVID camps.
---This is currently happening in Australia. People are removed from their homes by the police and taken to quarantine camps even without a positive PCR COVID test or proof that people are infected with COVID-19. Here is a video of a personal account, a look at an Australian COVID camp facility, and an interaction with the camp's security guards.
---In New York, on January 21, 2021, a new Assembly Bill A416 is attempted to being passed which would give the NY governor and any appointed personal the right to remove from people's homes anyone that is deemed a health danger without following any of the current laws and procedures, and place people into quarantine facilities. Here is a brief excerpt: THE GOVERNOR OR HIS OR HER DELEGEE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE COMMISSIONER OR THE HEADS OF LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENTS, MAY ORDER THE REMOVAL AND/OR DETENTION OF SUCH A PERSON OR OF A GROUP OF SUCH PERSONS BY ISSUING A SINGLE ORDER, IDENTIFYING SUCH PERSONS EITHER BY NAME OR BY A REASONABLY SPECIFIC DESCRIPTION OF THE INDIVIDUALS OR GROUP BEING DETAINED. SUCH PERSON OR GROUP OF PERSONS SHALL BE DETAINED IN A MEDICAL FACILITY OR OTHER APPROPRIATE FACILITY OR PREMISES DESIGNATED BY THE GOVERNOR OR HIS OR HER DELEGEE AND COMPLYING WITH SUBDIVISION FIVE OF THIS SECTION. ***A lawsuit was filed against these unconstitutional orders and on July 11, 2022 the lawsuit was won. You can read the details of the bill by visiting Uniting NYS. You can listen to an interview with the lawyer Bobbie Anne Flower Cox as she shares the process here.
9. Forced vaccination
After some time, vaccines would be physically forced on people against their will.
--- I have seen video clips of forced vaccination happening in China, India, and Indonesia, but I cannot vet them to be true. However, forced vaccinations are almost happening in Australia. Military personnel, police, and other government officials severely pressure Aboriginal community members to get vaccinated. The local people are either not allowed to leave their homes or are removed from their homes against their will and taken to COVID camps. Click here to listen to a call for humanitarian help put forth by some of the Aboriginal elders.

We've crossed a dangerous line, especially in the West, which has until now been considered the beacon of democracy and freedom.
Every single human being must ask him or herself this question: Do certain people in power or power positions really have the right to forbid other people to earn a living, run their business, have access to food, public transportation, air travel, health care, and visit restaurants, cafes, entertainment outlets, fitness centers, and shopping malls?
Also, do some people truly have the authority to override the bodily autonomy of others, allowing certain members of a society to tell other members of that same society they must inject into their bodies substances they do not wish to have injected? Can certain individuals or groups of individuals be granted the jurisdiction over others, demanding they can no longer participate in regular life, taking away their ability for individual choice, freedom of speech, and freedom of movement?
How often throughout human history has this negation of personal freedom already happened? How many people have already suffered the consequences of such inhumane measures, no matter the reasons that were given to rationalize these measures? The justifications that were provided in the past, just as the justifications that are given today with COVID-19, are violating every person's unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as the founders of America put forth in the Declaration of Independence. This right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a God-given right. It cannot be granted by people, nor can it be taken away by people. Every single human being possesses this right simply by being born a human being.
The worldwide devastating effects of the COVID measures were produced by the people who ordered the measures and implemented them!
In April 2020, the enormously disaterous effects the COVID measures would have on people's lives, finances, and the world economy were easily foreseeable. No double-listening skill was needed to predict the horrific consequences and outcomes.
1. Supply chain issues
It was clear the world would be plagued by supply chain issues and food shortages. Items that were taken for granted to find in stores would eventually no longer be available. No other result was possible when governments stopped people from going to work, forced them to close their businesses, and allowed only a small number of 'essential' businesses to remain open and 'essential' workers to go to work.
---Not only supply chain issues and food shortages are already occurring since many months, we are also dealing with enormous inflation. ***As of July 2022, the consequences are becoming ever more visible around the globe.
2. Hunger Deaths
It was also obvious that the lock-downs would create millions of hunger deaths. If people in third world countries, where no social services are in place, were not allowed to go to work, if factories, transportation, and farming were shut down so that food was no longer gown, harvested, transported, and distributed, it would create an enormous hunger crisis that would result in mass starvation.
---Already in July 2020, reports came out that hunger might kill more people than COVID-19. ***In May 2022, the Report On Global Food Crisis was published which showed that h
unger reached a record high in 2021. Here is an excerpt: "Globally, levels of hunger remain alarmingly high. In 2021, they surpassed all previous records as reported by the Global Report on Food Crises (GRFC), with close to 193 million people acutely food insecure and in need of urgent assistance across 53 countries/territories, according to the findings of the GRFC 2022. This represents an increase of nearly 40 million people compared to the previous high reached in 2020."
3. Physical, mental, and emotional damage
That people would be physically, mentally, and emotionally hurt from all the COVID restrictions was assured from the get-go. You can't lock people up for months on end, tell them they are not allowed to work, are forbidden to meet with family and friends, can't go to church, visit a fitness center, engage in their exercise routines, play in the park with their kids, enjoy a coffee or meal at a restaurant, or go for walks to breathe fresh air.

Removing all the things human beings need to thrive will make them lose their raison d'être - their reason for living. Especially, when only fear, doom, and gloom are provided by the officials in charge. People will then internally wither and die. Their spark of life will become ever more dim. The ability to experience joy, happiness, and hope will disappear. That's because human beings need community. We need to share love, laughter, physical touch, and emotional connection with one another. People need to play outdoors, exercise their bodies, and pursue their hobbies, and personal interests. When you take from people all that which they consider essential to feel happy and fulfilled, it will create a population that is physically ill, depressed, anxious, and suicidal.
---There are a variety of studies available already that are showing increased levels of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress-disorders were (and are) experienced by people.
---Death by suicide, drug overdose, and alcohol were increased by 20% in 2020. ***In June 2022, The Guardian ran an article titled Everyone Is Sick , which was predicted by all the MD's and scientists that were (and still are!) censored. They said vaccinating the entire population during a pandemic is extremely dangerous because new and stronger mutations will be created. Also, the toxic side effects from the COVID shots were predicted. We were told to expect vaccinated people to display weaker immune systems and that they would get sick. The article states, " We’re all sick, or if we’re not sick we are recovering from being sick, or we are about to get sick. People are getting Covid twice, or recovering from Covid, then getting some other sickness pretty much straight away, or they are not recovering; their sickness is lingering into days of double digits."
4. Children will be hurt the most
Right from the start I knew it would be the children that would carry the greatest brunt from this crisis. Their essential developmental phases were interrupted in absolutely devastating ways. Children undergo very clearly defined physical, mental, and emotional stages of development that need to take place for proper growth, social adaptability, and integration to take occur. When these developmental stages are interrupted as happened due to
all the COVID restrictions, along with the fear and terror that was instilled I them, it would create an avalanche of problems that might last a lifetime. I was wondering what kinds of fearful, anxious, and submissive adults these children would one day grow into who would unquestioningly accept any order that was directed to them from authority figures positioned above them on the political hierarchical top-down pyramid system.
---Essentially by now, two years of childhood and teenage years have been stolen from the children and teenagers who had to live with these severe mask, social distancing, and routine COVID testing restrictions on a daily basis in kindergartens, schools, and universities. Not being allowed on playgrounds and freely enjoying themselves by meeting with their schoolmates and friends has been a crime perpetuated against these youngsters. Additionally, mandating the gene-based vaccines for which absolutely no long-term safety data exists, when children have a 99.99% survival rate, barely have any symptoms with COVID-19, and rarely pass the virus on to others, while being subjected to an enormously high risk of falling ill, becoming damaged, sterile, or dying from the vaccine.
All throughout 2020, it was clear children 0 - 17 years of age were not at risk to die of COVID-19. The latest statistics show that in two years out of 730 million children ages 0-17 in the US, 710 children died of or with COVID! By comparison, in one year, in 2019 in the US, 36,096 children died in traffic accidents; 3,960 children died of drowning; and in 2021 it is estimated that 1,780 children will die of cancer. What has been done to children worldwide in the name of COVID will be remembered in history as the greatest crime
ever perpetrated
against humanity.
5. Bankrupting small and medium-size businesses
It was clear that millions of small and midsize businesses would be destroyed worldwide. I was sharing with a friend of mine that we would see an overwhelming number of small cafes, restaurants, boutiques, and shops disappear, which offered unique shopping and dining experiences. Small, individually-owned businesses are so precious because they provide special services and goods that can't be found anywhere else. Many of these places had been built up over several generations, and were passed on from parents to children to grandchildren. Now, within just a few months, these entrepreneurs would be forced to walk away, losing everything they, their family members and ancestors had worked so hard to create. Adhering to the COVID restrictions, entire families would be ruined. On the flip side, these businesses and properties would most likely be gobbled up by multinational corporations for cents on the dollar so that eventually only chain stores and chain restaurants would be available as the only options.
---Billions of dollars in gains for corporations while bankruptcies and poverty soar - it's now documented. The same buy-up is happening in the single family housing market as people have lost their jobs and businesses and must sell their homes.
6. Tracking and tracing from inside the body
When the COVID tracking, tracing, and surveilling of people was announced to take place through smartphone monitoring apps, my double-listening told me it was a mere forerunner. The monitoring, tracking, tracing, and surveilling of people's every move would eventually take place from inside people's bodies. I didn't know if this was possible, and if such technology already existed. Nevertheless, I was certain that the tracking along with the COVID vaccine passports were just ways to get people used to the surveying process since eventually, no gadget would be needed. Monitoring, tracking, tracing, and surveilling would happen from within a person's body with the personal data being sent directly from the body to data collection facilities in the cloud.
I was absolutely flabbergasted and amazed at the kind of technology that already existed when I began researching this topic. I will list only a few things I found. I encourage you to do your own research. There is even evidence from lab testings performed independently in various countries around the world that showed the COVID vaccine liquid contained substances that should not be in a vaccine. Plus, some of what was found in the liquids was identified as nano-robots, nano-microchips, and other non-particles.
---I discovered that already in 2009, scientists were working on biosensors for continuous monitoring of the human body. In 2019, an article was written that described implantable graphene-based sensors for human health monitoring. I also found a publication posted in 2021 that talks about implantable sensors based on gold nanoparticles for continuous long-term concentration monitoring in the body. Another publication that was also published in 2021 is describing Luciferase based biosensors being used in studying SARS-CoV-2. Since the full ingredient list of the COVID-19 vaccine injections has never been disclosed, it is not known what exactly is being injected into people. However, photos and videos from independent researchers and labs can be found online of strange nano-size objects floating around in a drop of vaccine liquid. Much of what is detected can't be identified as something that is known. Click here to watch a video of two medical doctors, one from Germany and one from Austria, showing photos and videos of unidentified particles that are found in the COVID-19 injections. Who knows what these nano-objects might be facilitating inside the body.
---In this brief video clip you see a French research team conducting a simple experiment to prove that people who have been vaccinated with the COVID shots emit Bluetooth MAC addresses.
---The Spanish researcher Ricardo Delgado Martin explains in this video that all Covid vaccine vials that were tested as well as the flu shots administered in 2019 contained graphene-oxide, a highly toxic substance. The National Institute of Health (NIH) under the section Micromachines posted in Jan. 2020 a detailed research study titled Graphene-Based Biosensors for Detection of Biomarkers.

7. Vaccine-induced diseases, disabilities, infertility, and premature death
Back in 2020, the double-listening did not offer any information about potential health issues the COVID vaccines may cause. I was surprised, probably like many other people too, when I began hearing about these health challenges. I had heard many medical doctors and scientists warn about potential health issues caused by the mRNA injections. I had listed links for you to a few of those voices above. But this information was second-hand information. I had not received this data directly myself through my intuitive direct-knowing. However, in 2021, several family members, friends, and acquaintances were injured or fell seriously ill after they'd received the COVID shots although they were fine all throughout the initial 2020 COVID pandemic. They never caught COVID or were ill with COVID. My mother was so gravely injured after her second dose that she had a stroke and needed a heart pacemaker installed. She is also on mediation to keep her continued dizziness and fainting spells under control, which the doctors, after many hospital visits and thorough testing can't figure out the source.
***As of July 2022,
So what is the COVID pandemic really all about?
Before I began this investigation, researching all these various topics pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic, I had no idea to what level biotechnology, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, and supercomputer programming had advanced. Technologies exist today that could, and would, if implemented change life for human beings on this planet forever. With the administering of mRNA genetic injections, which compel human cells to produce the synthetically-engineered spike proteins, the human genome of those who accepted the mRNA vaccines has been changed forever. The mRNA COVID vaccine push of a needle in every arm has ushered in the transhumanist era. The movement to upgrade humanity to Human 2.0 has taken place without anyone's awareness and conscious consent.
humanism has been explored for many decades. An article published February 2011 in Times Magazine titled, 2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal offers a glimpse into the direction science was moving over a decade ago. Human 2.0 Is Coming Faster Than You Think. Will You Evolve With The Times? is an article that was posted in October 2018 on, which provides a great overview.
The idea behind Human 2.0 is that people's biology and brain functioning haven't had an upgrade in a very long time, whereas technology is upgraded continually. Technology improves exponentially year after year to become faster, more streamlined, and more effective. Certain scientists, tech engineers, computer programmers, biologists, geneticists, neurologists, and AI experts hold the vision that better human beings can be created. By augmenting the human body with artificial intelligence, various computer technologies, and synthetic gene manipulations the current version of humans beings can be improved (aka Human 2.0.) The talk by Steve Hoffman about New Brain Computer interface technology offers some insight into technologies that already exist right now that seem science fiction.
You probably do not know but three distinct countries have posted on their government websites official documents about human augmentation. The Government of Canada offers on its website the document called, Exploring Biodigital Convergence, which was published in February 2020. In the Foreword these sentences are found: In the coming years, biodigital technologies could be woven into our lives in the way that digital technologies are now. Biological and digital systems are converging, and could change the way we work, live, and even evolve as a species. More than a technological change, this biodigital convergence may transform the way we understand ourselves and cause us to redefine what we consider human or natural. Published in May 2021 by the British Ministry of Defense and the Bundeswehr (German military) the document titled, Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm is called a think-piece designed to set the foundation for more detailed research and development on human augmentation.
In 2021 in a 60 Minutes interview, the historian and author of the bestselling books Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century Yuval Noah Harari shared his concerns about transhumanism as well as the direction this technology is moving at break-neck speed. "We are now hackable animals" Harai said of human beings. Until recently, governments and corporations collected data on our locations, internet searches, where we go, who we meet, what movies we watch, what items we purchase, and so on. The next phase of surveillance will take place under our skin to collect biometric data.
Thanks to COVID apps and COVID passports, collecting personal data has increased exponentially all over the world. As already addressed earlier, without the fear mongering of nonstop propaganda of an imminent COVID death threatening people's survival, most people would not have accepted this invasive COVID passport surveillance system into their lives. Whereto people's private body-related data flows, who has access to it, where it's stored, and what will be done with it nobody knows. One thing is certain, collecting, possessing, and having access to biometric data is becoming quickly the newest, hottest commodity. Shoshana Zuboff, Professor Emerita at Harvard Business School is the author of The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. In 2019 in her interview on Democracy NOW! she described the dangers of this new type of artificial-intelligence-driven market economy, saying "...At its core, surveillance capitalism is parasitic and self-referential. It revives Karl Marx's old image of capitalism of a vampire that feeds on labor but with an unexpected turn. Instead of labor, surveillance capitalism feeds on every aspect of every human's experience."
I have a lot more to say about this subject but will close this section of my report so I won't overwhelm you. I will continue in Part 2 with sharing the background information I discovered so that you will have an idea how we ended up where we're finding ourselves at today. If you are interested in Part 2 or want to read about subjects I will present in the future on this or other topics, please sign up for my mailing list by clicking here. I will send out information when I have posted Part 2 or other reports.
For now, I will bring Part 1 to a close. What is happening with the corona pandemic all over the world, which started in 2020 and has had enormously grave repercussions in many respects, it is also presenting humanity with the chance of a lifetime. Hidden dynamics that have operated behind the scenes for many decades in politics, economics, finance, education, and entertainment fueled by corruption, manipulation, and self-serving agendas have pushed the world into a direction that hasn't served human beings in a long time. Ever-increasing profit, exploitation, and never-ending growth benefiting Wall Street, corporate shareholders, CEO's of multinational corporations, and NGO's have forced everyone else, including the earth and its resources to hold the empty bag. The noose around people's necks has been pulled ever tighter and made life for many ever more difficult. While wealth, power, and top-down control have been amassed more and more in the hands of a tiny few, collapse, unhappiness, unsustainability, strife, and hardship have reigned supreme in the lives of the majority.
However, nobody is a victim. With our conscious as well as unconscious choices we have contributed to the world as it is today. This is the gift of COVID-19: the potential to recognize how we have been asleep at the wheel, how we allowed corrupt leaders to guide and direct us with false promises, lies, propaganda, and outright criminal behaviors. It's time to have a worldly awakening and see the world as it really is. Once we do see the world as it really is we can do something about it. You can watch four brief video clips from a talk I gave about the hidden spiritual and personal growth potentials I saw inherent in the corona pandemic crisis back in March 2020.
I will leave you with two more inspirational videos from the Academy of Ideas website. The first video is called Freedom vs Force and starts with a quote by Albert Camus.
“Freedom is…the air we cannot do without, that we breathe without even noticing it until the time comes when, deprived of it, we feel that we are dying.”
The second video is called The Parallel Society vs Totalitarianism and talks about how it is essential to go about our creative endeavors, follow our intuition, inspirations, epiphanies, and geniuses in creating the world we wish to live in. The video starts with this quote by Vaclav Havel “The real question is whether the ‘brighter future’ is always so distant. What if it has been here for a long time already – and only our own blindness and weakness have prevented us from seeing it around us and within us, and kept us from developing it.” I talk about this subject at great length in my unbook True Freedom versus Self-Improvement - A Life Without Suffering Can Be Yours. I help you understand that in addition to your physical, concrete self, you also have a non-physical (spiritual) nature, which is where all your creative genius is located. Learning how to access this part will allow you to stand in life fearlessly, in tune with the flow of life, and always guided and protected in each and every moment.
You can purchase the unbook as a downloadable PDF file which you can then store on any of your ebook apps like Kindle, iBook, Nook, etc. Alternatively, you can also join the monthly live unbook subscription membership where you can ask me questions and the unbook material, which I will answer either in writing or via video. You will learn what spiritual awakening is and how to bring it about in your life in the swiftest possible way.